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actually you people are wrong the petals attract the flowers because the bees can see in neon so they see the petal and its bright so they fly towards it and the brush past the pollen on the way to the nectar and then move onto another plant and then when the bee flys in the stigma gets the pollen of the bees back then goes down the style into the ovary and meets the eggs (ovoule).

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12y ago
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13y ago

Its the color. Insects like yellow and therefore a lot of flowering plants have yellow flowers. A lot of flowers have markings that can not be seen by humans and only by insects because they reflect light in the ultraviolet spectrum.

Sometimes its the form of the flower like some orchids. The flowers lresemble female insects and the males pollinate the flowers trying to mate.

Most plants that are pollinated by birds -by the way- have a red color because birds are attracted by red.

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9y ago

There are several factors that attract insects to plants. Insects are attracted to the color, shape, smell, and the petals on a plant.

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13y ago

The flowers attractive petals attract pollinators to the flower.

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Q: What is one of the things that attracts insects to a flower?
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# because they just are okay.! # because with out petals they would be UGLY.

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Just one. As the animal crawls into the flower to collect nectar, pollen from the animal moves onto the next flower, some of the pollen brushes off onto the pistil when the insect goes to the next flower.

Why does plants have petals?

Plants flower for one simple reason: pollination. The bright coloured flowers and the scent attracts insects towards them. While the insect is sucking the nectar, the pollen grains get attached to its hairy skin. Then this insect visits another flower and the pollen grains might get deposited on the stigma. There you go, the flower has been fertilized and very soon, it wil become a fruit. Now you will ask why does it become a fruit? Here's why: To distribute its seeds.

Where do pollinated flowers come from?

Flowers are pollinated (fertilized) by insects unwittingly transferring pollen from one flower to another as they move from flower to flower drinking or collecting nectar.

What transfers of pollen from the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another flower of the same species?

Usually insects although other methods such as wind can do it.

What will happen ifan insect crawls into a flower and then goes to another?

If an insect crawls into one flower and then goes to another they are likely to pollinate the second flower that they visit. Pollen tends to stick to insects and be carried from flower to flower.

What are 2 adaptations of the rafflesia flower?

One adaptation is that the Plant smells like rotting meat to attract flies. Those flies spread the pollen from the flower. This adaptation is physical. Another adaptation would be that it attaches itself to highgrowing plants so it can reach the canopy of the rainforest.

What flower eats Insects?

the venus fly trap would be one of them

An organism that carries pollen from one flower to another is called a what?

Often through bees or birds or insects. They get the nectar from the flower, but the flower sticks its pollen on them as a result, and when they go to the next flower, they transport it. It's a mutualistic relationship.

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