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Q: What art movements are closely associated with reformation?
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Which art movement is closely associated with the Reformation?

The Northern Renaissance.

Which of these movements most directly influenced Northern Renaissance art?

The Protestant Reformation

What are some art movements associated with Donatello?

he is associated with them seet sweet titties

Which painter is most closely associated with the neoclassical movement in art?


What time period is mostly closely associated with the Carolingian art?

A+ -- Medieval period

What time period is closely associated with Carolingian art?

the postmodernists. ----------------------------------- A+ -- Medieval period

The triptych is a type of artwork most closely associated with which style?

international gothic

The 1920 film The Cabinet of Dr Caligari is closely associated with the expressionist art movement then flourishing in what country?


What martial art is associated with daoism?

The Samurai sword arts are closely related to Daoism in Japan. And in China it is Kung Fu, particularly Shoalin styles, which are closely related to the monks and temples. While some make it an integral part of the art, anyone can practice Daoism as a part of their martial art study if they so desire. In most places karate is not associated with Daoism.

Collage is most closely associated with?

Collage as an art form can be traced back several centuries but at the beginning of the 20th century, it had a renewed interest; collage became an element of modern art. Since that time, collage has been associated with surrealism, cubism, abstract and pop art.

Who was the artist closely associated with long faces and dramatic art?

Could be El Greco, working in Toledo, Spain, around 1600.

What style of art is the triptych closely associated with?

A triptych is a painting made in three sections that fit together. It can also be three relief carved panels.