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  • Rice and pasta- No matter how much water you run or how long you run the appliance, you can never break rice or pasta down small enough. Both items swell when they are in contact with water, so the small pieces will eventually gather in the trap and swell until it is closed.
  • Animal bones- The garbage disposal is just not strong enough to break these down small enough to fit through. Animal bones are the most common thing that jams disposals.
  • Grease- The grease will eventually solidify and clog a portion, or all, of your drain.
  • Egg shells- Despite what you may have heard, egg shells do not sharpen disposal blades. I'm not even sure how someone would think that would work. Mostly they just end up clogging the line.
  • Any kind of stringy or tough-peeled vegetable- This includes asparagus, lettuce, celery and potato peels. Maybe in a small amount the disposal can handle it, but I wouldn't try it.
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Valuables like jewelry or things that you can't afford to lose. Also Metal of any kind like silverware. Large amounts of hair could possibly clog the blades of your disposal device.

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Q: What are you not supposed to put in a garbage disposal?
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Are you supposed to run water while using the garbage disposal?

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Yes, you can. Just make sure to have the faucet on whenever you put something down the garbage disposal. Never put bones down the garbage disposal.

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Raw cabbage leaves should not be put into the garbage disposal as it will badly plug up the disposal. Other items that should not put into the garbage disposal include banana peels, onion skins and celery.

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Yes, you can put both eggs and eggshells in the garbage disposal. Placing a lemon in the disposal is a great way to remove odors.

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Yes,because it a garbage disposal.don't you see the word garbage.

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Yes you can. It is not plastic,so it can be put in a garbage cointanier.

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How do you sharpen Garbage disposal blades?

Put ice cubes in the disposal and turn on. That's it.

Where can you dipose the celery peelings?

You can put them in the garbage disposal in your sink.