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Protans & nutrons

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They are either shared or transferred.

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Q: What are two ways in which valence electrons move between the atoms?
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Which type of substances have chemical bonds that are not directional and valence electrons that move freely between the atoms?


What bond forms between two atoms?

A chemical bond that may be ionic where the atoms bonded together are charged or covalent where electrons are shared. The nature of the bond depends on the relative electronegativity of the atoms involved. An example of an ionic bond is in sodium chloride. An example of a covalent bond is one between carbon and hydrogen for example in a hydrocarbon. When an element atom bonds to another atom of the same elemnt then that bond is covalent, eg O2, N2, H2, S8.

What describes characteristics of a metallic bond?

Electrons move freely among many metal nuclei

What are two ways through valence electrons move between atoms?

They are either shared (covalent bond) or one donates and the other takes the elctrons (ionic bond).

What are two ways in which valence electron move between atoms?

They are either transferred or shared. In ionic bonds, electrons are transferred, and shared in covalent bonds.

What allow valence electrons in metals to move throughout the metal?

metal atoms being so close to one another that their outermost level overlap. Cause of the overlapping metallic bonds extend throughout the metal in all direction, so valence electrons can move throughout the metal.

When electrons are shared or move between atoms they form what?


What happens to valence electrons as you move across the row?

The number of valence electrons increases.

What allows valence electrons to move throughout the metal?

Atoms being so close to one-another that their outermost energy overlap

Describe how valence electrons in a metal move?

The characteristic that allows some metals to be better conductors of electricity is that they have 'free electrons'. Free Electrons simply means that there is a weaker bond between the electrons on the outer valence shell to the nucleus of the atom, than other atoms. This weak bond allows electrons in metals to become more easily excited (when mechanical means of generation occurs), where the electrons are able to transfer from one atom to another.I imagine this is what the question is asking. Basically, electricity is inherent in the material. Metals have weak bonds in their outer valence electron shell.A: In metals, the atoms move freely, allowing heat to travel faster. :)

What allows valence elections in metals to move throughout the metal?

metal atoms being so close to one another that their outermost level overlap. Cause of the overlapping metallic bonds extend throughout the metal in all direction, so valence electrons can move throughout the metal.

Atoms join so that each atom will have?

a net charge of zero between the nucleus and the electrons in each atom. This process is either achieved by ionic bonding or covalent bonding. ionic bonding is when the electrons are taken from one atom and given to another. Covalent bonds happen when electrons are shared between the atoms.