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Hydrogen, helium and the transition metals

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Q: Which main-group elements occasionally break the octet rule?
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Does uranium have an octet?

All the elements have a tendency to form an octet.

What poem has an eight line stanza?

An Octave (occasionally an Octet)

How do metals obey the Lewis octet rule?

The elements can be described by dot structure. Metals combine with other elements to make its octet complete.

Octet rule for diatomic elements?


How many electrons are in a complete octet why is having a complete octet important?

eight. it is important to obtain octet so that elements become stable.

What is significant of octet rule?

The octet rule is the tendency of many chemical elements to have eight electrons in the valence shell.

What does it mean if an elements has 8 valence electrons?

it has a full octet

Why do most of the elements on a periodic table like to form bonds with other elements?

To complete their octet

Does the presence of an octet makes an atom very likely to react with other elements?

No, quite the opposite. An octet of electrons would make the atom stable, and therefor unlikely to react with most elements.

Which three elements violate the octet rule?

The octet rule cannot be satisfied in molecules whose total number of valence electrons is an odd number.There are also molecules in which an atom has fewer, or more, than an octet of valence electrons.

What group of elements has a staple number of electrons in their outer energy level?

Group 18 elements have a stable octet.

What elements do not obey the octet rule?

I know Hydrogen and Helium for sure, not sure about the other elements. The noble gases.