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The major three causes which resulted to French Revolution were:

1- social cause - The French society was divided into three estates. The first two estates consisted of clergy and nobility respectively. The third estate consisted of merchants, businessmen, lawyers and peasants. Third estate didn't have equal rights and the other estates enjoyed other privileges.

2- economic cause- The third estate had to pay all the taxes imposed by the king but the other estates were exempted from it. The prices of bread, which was the main staple diet of the people, rose, and there was a subsistence crisis.

3- immediate cause- Rumors spread that the king would order his troops to attack Paris because the people were revolting. Then 4000 to 5000 people gathered and formed people's militia.

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8y ago
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15y ago

If you ever see "Les Misarables" then you will undrestand fully __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Les miserables is a novel of the famous author Victor Hugo and refers to another period of the French history [1860] while the French Revolution happened 13 years after the American Revolution at 1789. It lasted 10years. The reasons were the absolute Monarchy, the feudal privileges of the aristocracy and the Catholic clergy.

Against these authorities the people revolted in order to achieve Liberty, Fratrnity and Equality [Liberte, Fraternite, Equalite].

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13y ago

An out of control national debt.

Two years of poor crop yields due to weather.

Grain, flour and bread prices skyrocketed, shortages appeared and starvation threatened.

Taxation was out of control and the Nobles and Clergy were tax exempt.

The Catholic Church owned 10% of all the land and wealth of France.

The monarchy was inept, indecisive and ineffective. Something had to give.

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13y ago
  • A crushing French National Debt.
  • A broken Tax code.
  • A desire for representative government.
  • New philosophies about the Rights of Man.
  • A Catholic Church that mandated the tithe.
  • Nobles with greater self interest then loyalty to their King.
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10y ago

The three issues that sparked the French Revolution were the unfair social classes, economic struggles, and the ever-growing unpopular reign of Absolute Monarchy. The people wanted a government that was fair and the country needed to resolve its debt and financial issues.

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13y ago

A high National debt, an unfair tax code and the lack of a representative government.

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