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"Number One: quality of information. Number Two: leisure to digest it. Number Three: the right to carry out actions based on what we learn from the interaction of the first two."

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1mo ago

Faber believes that critical thinking, meaningful connections with others, and the freedom to engage in intellectual pursuits are missing from society in Fahrenheit 451. He laments the lack of genuine human interaction and the suppression of independent thought.

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12y ago

Faber says that people need quality information, the leisure to digest it, and the freedom to act on what they learn.

Read more: What_three_element_did_Faber_feel_were_missing_from_life

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11y ago

Number one: Quality of information.

Number two: Leisure to digest it.

Number three: The right to carry out actions based on what we learn from the interaction of the first two.

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Q: What are three things Faber says are missing from society in Fahrenheit 451?
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What three things which Faber says are missing?

Faber says that three things missing from society are leisure time, the right to carry out independent thinking, and the freedom to act on one's own decisions.

What page did was Faber first introduced in Fahrenheit 451?

Faber is first introduced in Fahrenheit 451 on page 77. He is a former English professor who helps Montag understand the importance of books in a society that bans them.

What things does Faber tell montag that are missing from society examples?

Faber tells Montag that society lacks critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and meaningful human connections. He mentions that books, authentic friendships, and the freedom of expression are missing, contributing to a shallow and oppressive culture. Faber also highlights the absence of leisure time for reflection and contemplation in a society obsessed with instant gratification and mindless entertainment.

Who is the English professor in Fahrenheit 451?

The English professor in Fahrenheit 451 is Faber, a retired professor who helps the protagonist, Montag, understand the significance of books and the importance of critical thinking. Faber becomes a mentor to Montag and guides him on his journey towards understanding and fighting against the oppressive society they live in.

What page did Faber call himself guilty?

Faber calls himself guilty on page 82 of "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. In this scene, Faber admits to Montag that he feels responsible for the state of society and for not doing more to stop the censorship and destruction of books.

Is Professor Faber a round character in Fahrenheit 451?

Yes, Professor Faber is considered a round character in Fahrenheit 451. He is complex and undergoes development throughout the story, with conflicting traits and motivations. He plays a significant role in influencing Montag's transformation and challenging the dystopian society's norms.

What book from the bible does Faber read montag in Fahrenheit 451?

In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Faber reads from the Book of Job in the Bible, specifically Job 38. This passage challenges Montag to think about the deeper questions and truths in life, prompting him to question the oppressive society he lives in.

From Fahrenheit 451 where did professor Faber work?

In "Fahrenheit 451," Professor Faber worked as an English professor at a college before books were banned. He was one of the few individuals who still valued literature and knowledge in a society that suppressed intellectual curiosity.

Did Faber die in Fahrenheit 451?

Yes, Faber does die. In the book, it says, "Faber was back there in the steaming lump of tar that had no name or identity now. He had burnt Faber, too. He suddenly felt so shocked by this that he felt Faber was really dead, backed like a roach in that small green capsule shoved and lost in the pocket of a man who was now nothing but a frame skeleton strung with asphalt tendons." (pg. 123)

What is the volcanos mouth in Fahrenheit 451?

the house at which Faber is at

Who does Faber call a coward in Fahrenheit 451?


Why do you think Faber wears earplugs when he rides the subway jets in Fahrenheit 451?

Faber wears earplugs on the subway jets in Fahrenheit 451 to isolate himself from the noise and chaos of the city, allowing him to focus on reading and contemplation. It symbolizes his desire to detach from the oppressive society and seek solace in literature and critical thinking.