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=unknown 1: silicon/unknown 2: neon/unknown 3: rubidium/unknown 4: krypton/unknown 5: gold/unknown 6: strontium/unknown 7: magnesium/unknown 8:cesium/unknown 9: thallium==are those the answers?=

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7y ago

The four predicted elements lighter than the rare earth elements, ekaboron (Eb), ekaaluminium (Ea), ekamanganese (Em), and ekasilicon (Es), proved to be good predictors of the properties of scandium, gallium, technetium and germanium respectively, which each fill the spot in the Periodic Table assigned by Mendeleev.

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One was right below Silicon, which Mendeleev called Ekasilicon. It was later discovered to be Germanium.

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noble gases and actinides

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Q: What are the unknown elements of Mendeleev's Lab of 1869?
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