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Are you referring to the Ultimate Form spectrobes? If Yes: They are (in order of appearance on equipment screen) Tindera: Flame Geo-Tindera is often called the king of flames. His body is formed of the fires of Genshi. Legend has it that the two swords he wields can annihilate anything they touch. Zorna: Cylone Geo- Zorna is the tornado mikado and he wields the power of ruthless winds. He has exceptional intelligence and a mere flick of his jeweled fan can produce a deadly gust of wind. Fulvina: Thunder Geo-Fulvina evolved from lightning and his lance can manipulate thunder. His roar sends fear up the spine of any enemy and his lance can lay waste to entire battle scenes. Larrup: Hammer Geo-Larrup is the czar of destruction. The hammer he wields pulverizes anything it descends upon. There is no foe that can withstand his catastrophic might and force. Voltron: Plasma Geo-Voltorn is the master of magnetism. He's a massive creature with untold powers. He can emit a single wave of magnetic energy in all directions that razes anything in its path. Artezza: Ice Geo-Artezza is arctic cold incarnate. He could freeze entire oceans if he so desired. He has frigid ice crystals on his body that can turn foes into feeble ice statues. Shulla: Wing Geo-Shulla is shrouded in a noxious fog of ferocity. His toxic spell can send enemies to eternal sleep and his sword-sharp wings can repel even the most condtioned enemies. If Not: Then I have no clue what your talking about so please clarify.

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Q: What are the ultimate spectrobes in spectrobe beyond the portals?
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through card inputs and to find them they are on youtube type in secret spectrobe input cards.

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I think its a Ryza. A good fighter when it becomes its final form.

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well, you have to have no damage to the fossil and done in under a min.

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try my spectrobe check list

Is there AR codes for spectrobes beyond the portals?

yes there are. just go to google and type in spectrobes beyond the portals ar codes and you will get website results.

Spectrobes beyond the portals?

The sequel to spectrobes, a ds game, made by Disney

How long does it tale to evolve a spectrobe in spectrobes beyond the portal?

Zoom in on the spectrobe in the incubator, and at the bottm it'll list the requirements.

Is there a spectrobe beyond the portals spectrobe list with pics?

not that i know of... try or try looking up spectrobe websites on google

How do you trade spectrobes beyond the portals to spectrobes?

You cant. You are just outta luck, my friend!

How do you delete spectrobes in spectrobes beyond the portals?

1. Go to line up. 2. Go to discard. 3. Drag the spectrobe you want to delete and take the stylus off that spectrobe and it will be deleted. moonrock8: yay! thank you person! I have 5 anu guys... (the foxish spectrobes found on the desert place) so now i can discard everyone except for my 2 awesome ones! Anyways, thanks.