

What are the three main stages in the cell cycle?

Updated: 4/1/2020
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make new old and spread

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Q: What are the three main stages in the cell cycle?
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Which stages of the cell generally require about the same amount of time in all human cells?

The synthesis stage of the cell cycle generally require about the same amount of time in all human cells. The main idea is the cell cycle that has four main stages.

What occurs in each 3 main stages of cell cycle?

The three main stages of cell cycle are interphase, mitosis and cytokinensis.Interphase is made up of three stages - G1, S, and G2G1 phase - The first phase of the cell cycleThe cell prepares itself for the synthesis stage of the cell cycle. The cell checks to see if it has all materials required for synthesis.S phase - the DNA is copied so that at the end of this cycle each daughter cell has a complete set of chromosomes.G2 phase - The second growth phase of the cell cycleIn this phase the cell prepares itself for physical separation of the cell to form two daughter cells.MitosisIn this phase the pairs of chromosomes attach themselves to fibers that pull the sister chromatids to the opposite sides of the cell.CytokinensisThe cytoplasm then divides into two forming two daughter cells.

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The syntthesis (s) stage.

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What is two main phases of the cell cycle?

The two main phases of a cell cycle are interphase and mitosis.

How would you explain the cell cycle?

The cell cycle is the regular pattern of growth , DNA duplication, and cell division that occurs in eukaryotic cells. It has four main stages: gap 1 ( normal growth and development), synthesis ( copying of the DNA ), gap 2 ( more growth and development ), mitosis ( division of the cell nucleus and contents, and cytokinesis (division of the cell cytoplasm) ).

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What are the two main phases of the cell cycle?

The two main phases of the cell cycle are; mitotic phase, in which the cell divides into two, and inter phase, where the cell grows.