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You may experience heavy bleeding and a huge blood clot coming from your vagina. Here is more input: * I just had a miscarriage at the end of April. Besides that, I've had two normal pregnancies. I knew from the day I found out I was pregnant that something was wrong with the pregnancy that ended up in miscarriage. I had very light spotting almost everyday. It started light pink and sometimes was brown. I had PMS-like cramps throughtout the entire 12 weeks the pregnancy lasted. I had a vaginal ultrasound at 5 weeks and another at 12 weeks. The first one showed a normal pregnancy with a strong heartbeat. (Although the baby looked like a white blob.) The second showed that the pregnancy only progressed up to 10 weeks and the tech couldn't detect a heartbeat. By the time I had my 2nd ultrasound the bleeding had just started to get heavier, like a light period, and the blood was turning bright red. The day after that I was scheduled for a D&C. Depending on how far into the pregnancy you are they can differ. Very early in pregnancy they may resemble a heavy period. In general blood spotting and possibly cramping could aslo be indicators. Of course the best route is to visit a doctor for an exam. Bleeding and pain are signs of a miscarriage, but they don't always mean you are having one. It is important to see a doctor if you think you are having a miscarriage. Unfortunately, sometimes there are no signs.. I was told before that you would experience cramping and then heavy bleeding.. I had a miscarriage when I was sitting in front of my computer, felt something wet and went to the bathroom with a big gush of blood.. Sometimes it just happens without any notice. I had a miscarriage just a week ago. I knew I was pregnant and was on my 7th week of pregnancy. In my case, I felt a heavy feeling on my lower abdomen and pains on my lower back...I knew something wasn't right. I went to bed and rested...after a couple of hours, i went to the loo and there was blood...i was bleeding heavily until the 3rd day. I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound and transvaginal scanning making sure that there was nothing wrong with my body that might have caused the miscarriage. Nothing was wrong and no reason for me not to try for another one again soon. But as a health precaution, I need to wait for atleast a month before me and my partner could try again for a baby...this is to help my uterus to heal. Even as early as 7 weeks, miscarriage is a painful experience. I still grieve from the loss, same with my partner...and there are really times when it can put strain to our relationship. but we try to move on and stay positive. I am still bleeding, although not as heavy as when it started. My advice is, if you suspect that you are pregnant, don't put yourself through any stressful activities...if you feel tired, take a rest and if there's any sign of bleeding or cramping or anything unusual that cause worry, don't hesitate to see your doctor. I was pregnant with fibroids. In my 15th week, I got a lot of cramping and lower Back pain and was told by my doctor that in my case it was normal and the fibroids causing me discomfort and was prescribed some medication. I was assured that my baby was in no danger. I was told that the signs of a miscarriage is bleeding and cramping together. In my 18th week, I went for a checkup and was told my baby was doing well and even heard the baby's heart beat. 3 days later I started getting cramps and lower back pain as there was no spotting or bleeding, I was not concerned and did not call the doctor, early the next morning, there was a spot of blood and within the next 3 seconds my amniotic sac (water bag) burst and I started miscarrying. I would like to tell all expectant mothers that just because there is no spotting or blood, does not mean that all is well. If there is any discomfort or pain please call your doctor immediately.
There are a few symptoms of a miscarriage. You may have all or just a few of them. Depending on the length of your pregnancy before a miscarriage will also determine the symptoms of a miscarriage. Some of these symptoms include: cramping or pain in the center of lower abdomen or back, heavy vaginal bleeding that can often include clots or tissue, light straining or spotting that lasts for 3+ days, and a decrease in symptoms of your pregnancy. If you notice bleeding, you should contact your doctor. The two of you can discuss your bleeding (color, thickness, heavy/lightness, etc) to determine if it is normal or abnormal bleeding. If he/she is concerned then an ultrasound will most likely be done.
One of the first signs of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding. But remember up to 25 percent of all pregnant women have bleeding at some point in pregnancy, about half of those will have a miscarriage.

Bleeding that is a sign of miscarriage can be scant or heavy. It may be constant, or it may come and go. Bleeding may be followed by cramping abdominal pain and, in some women, lower backache. Although there may be other reasons for these symptoms (see "Spotting or bleeding" and "Pelvic pain"), you should contact your doctor if you have any type of bleeding or severe pain in pregnancy.

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8y ago

Bleeding (usually heavy) maybe some cramping == == This bleeding may or may not be accompanied by crampy pains - a bit like period pains, or the bleeding can continue on for several days before the more serious pains kick in. Also be aware that this bleeding does not necessarily mean you will miscarry - I have always had bleeding in pregnancy and it has gone both ways.

If the bleeding does continue to the stage of being an 'inevitable' miscarriage, then expect quite strong pains and an increase in the amount of blood loss. Clots - sometimes quite large - can be lost. Occasionally you may see the baby, which sounds scary but isn't so bad when it comes to it.

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16y ago

You need to discuss your situation with your doctor, obgyn, or another responsible adult who will be able to help you.

Starting a miscarriage could be dangerous to your health and even to your life.

I know that right now being pregnant may seem like the end of the world, but there are things you can do and people you can talk to to help you deal with this.

Please try calling America's Pregnancy Help line - 1-888-4-OPTIONS

this is an excellent site about teenage pregnancy

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11y ago

Lift up heavy stuff in order for a miscarriage

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14y ago

The same as when you miscarry earlier in the pregnancy; pain and bleeding.

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Could you be having a miscarriage if you eleven weeks and you start bleeding?

Yes you could. Go to the doctor.

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