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Changes in load results in fluctuations. Fault also results in fluctuation

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11y ago

Capacitors are not working properly due to which ripple voltages are not eliminated and causing fluctuation.

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Q: What causes high voltage fluctuation in domestic power supply?
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Function of power supply?

to convert AC into DC voltage without fluctuation

What are some of the causes of fluctuation in the exchange rate?

The only things that causes of fluctuation in the exchange rate are the Supply and demand of the traders which are influenced by current financial events and speculation.

What is the different between domestic and industrial electricity supply?

Electricity for industries are supplied with high voltage.Domestic supply is with low voltage.

How does voltage fluctuation affect an electrical system?

Whenever you are working over a device and getting a constant voltage supply ,, and all of a sudden .. the light gets off and the device is off. it means a device was working over some specified voltage and it comes to 0 instantly . the voltage changes . this is called voltage fluctuation .

How can you prevent this fluctuation of electricity from damaging your computer?

Use UPS to supply power.UPS is Uninterrupted Power Supply hence it works in fluctuation too.

What is ac and DC supplies?

AC supply means the supply voltage is alternating one. Supply has some particular frequency and magnitude. e.g. usual power supply to domestic use DC supply means the supply voltage (or current) is not alternating. It is fixed one. i.e. frequency is zero. e.g. batteries

Can a 120 volt fluctuation into a house be stablized by a voltage stablizer and if so what is it that should be purchased?

There is always voltage fluctuations in home voltages. It is due to loads coming on and going off line on the primary distribution supply. The utility company is mandated to maintain a plus or minus voltage of 10%. If the voltage is within this range no voltage stabilizer is needed.

What causes currency rate to change?

Demand and supply of domestic currencies with respect to other foreign currency causes currency rates to change.

What types of electricity are produced in US?

It is all at 60 Hz, various high voltage lines and systems. Domestic supply is usually 120 V

What is the three phase voltage in Pakistan?

Pakistan has a 220 v 50 Hz domestic supply and the three-phase voltage is sqrt(3) times higher, or 381 v. Higher voltage are also used for three-phase power transmission.

What are the causes effects and remedies of price fluctuation in agricultural products?

the causes are many, some reads; seasonal change in supply which is adversely affected by natural or climatic factors, lack of finance, use of crude implements, seasonal shortage of demand and etc.

What helps protect the computer against power fluctuation?

UPS (uninterruptible power supply)