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Glucose And Oxygen

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Q: What are the products of anabolic processes?
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Related questions

Is diffusion anabolic?

No. Anabolic processes are processes which build something up (as opposed to catabolic processes, which break something down). Diffusion is neither anabolic nor catabolic.

How do anabolic enzymes attect your body processes?


What useful products do anabolic reactions form?

Anabolic reactions form organs and tissues of the body.

Which of the choices below happens during the absorptive state?

Anabolic processes exceed catabolic ones

Is glycolysis a anabolic or catabolic reaction?

hey glycolysis is both an anabolic and a catabolic reaction, because at first, your are investing energy which is ATP, then you later harvest ATP with pyruvate (3C compound), and NADH. So it is both processes

How are catabolic reactions similar to anabolic reactions?

Both catabolic and anabolic reactions classify into the Subjects Biochemistry and Cellular Genetics. They both involve reactants and products. An example of biochemical substances that carry out both catabolic and anabolic Biochemical Reactions are 'the Enzymes in our [Cellularly Composed] Bodies'.

What metabolic pathway is anabolic?

anabolic pathway is one that the products are more complicated than reactants. they usually need energy(ΔG>0) anabolic pathways are enzymatic and occur in living organism cells and uses energy to construct components of cells such as protein and nucleic acid.

3 examples of catabolic processes and 3 examples of anabolic processes?

(1)breakdown of protein to amino acid (2)breakdown of starch into glycerol or fatty acid (3)decaying of organic substance

Is phosphorylation catabolism or anabolism?

It's catabolic when talking about glycolysis and respiration, but anabolic when talking about other processes since you are adding a phosphate group.

Exmples of technology as to gadgets processes products?

gadgets of products and processors

What does enzymes do to a reaction?

Enzymes are major biological molecules that are important for the metabolic processes that sustain life (anabolic= endergonic, nonspontaneous; catabolic= exergonic, spontaneous; anabolic processes+catabolic processes=metabolism). Enzymes' main function in chemical reactions is to catalyze them, or speed them up (i.e. they are catalysts). While most types of enzymes are proteins, there are a few RNA enzymes known as ribozymes. Enzymes almost always end with the suffix -ase.

Is protein synthesis an anabolic reaction?

it is anabolic