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Q: What are the non toxic metals in nature?
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Where are non metals found in nature?

There are many non metals that are found in nature. These non metals include all gasses like oxygen and hydrogen.

What is an example of a non-toxic yet unstable substance?

metals. they rust, but aren't toxic

Are metals non metals or metalloids dull or shiny?

metals are malleable in nature

Can metals be lustrous while nonmetals are not lustrous?

It is a characteristic or you can say, property of metalsthat - they are LUSTROUS in nature whereas on the other hand, non-metals possess the property that - they are NON - LUSTROUS in nature.Thus, metals can be lustrous and non-metals cannot be lustrous in nature(except iodine, which is a non-metal, but is lustrous in nature).

Are non metals only made in computers?

Non metals exists in nature . They are not made in computers.

Identify the metal which is non toxic in nature?


Why do metals replace hydrogen from acid but non metals do not?

This is because metals have positive ions and so does hydrogen. Hence the nature of their reactivity is same but the value of reactivity is different. Therefore metals replace hydrogen in a reaction while non metals dont...

Is hydrogen toxic or non-toxic?

Non-Toxic I am 100% Correct

Can all elements on the periodic table be classified as metals or nonmetals explain?

The elements are classified as metals and non metals. Apart from this, there are elements that are metalloids, transition elements, inert in nature.

Are halogens metals or non non-metals?

Non metals

What is non toxic metal?

Metals that contained paints or aerosols are not recyclable. Products that were considered to be toxic are not able to be recyclable. Random pieces of metal, metal wire hangers, and any non copper pipes are also metal that can not be recycled.