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There are different gods that consist in every civilization; which make up this belief

But i personally would go with the Greek adaptation/version:

1.) Zeus the God of Lighning, the King of the Greek gods

2.) Hera, the goddess of the Heavens, Zeus's wife.

3.) Artemis, twin of Apollo, goddess of the hunt and animals alike.

4.) Phoebus Apollo, the god of archery and music

Hope this helps.

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8y ago
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8y ago

Brahma the creater, Vishu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer.

That is a vaishnava (worshipers of Lord Vishnu) answer. Shaivas (worshipers of Lord Shiva) believe that Shiva is the creator, sustainer, and destroyer. The Shaktas (worshipers of Mother Goddess Durga) would say that Durga is the creatrix.
Main hindu gods are three according to hindu mythology. Names are Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesha.

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13y ago

One of the characteristic features of Zoroastrianism is the doctrine of dualism, recognizing the powers of good and evil as two personified principles at war with each other. Ahuramazda, or Ormuzd ("the Wise Lord"), leads the forces of good; Angra-Mainyu, or Ahriman ("the Spiritual Enemy"), heads the hosts of evil. Bands of angels and archangels follow the divine leader, while troops of demons and archfiends hasten after the evil lord. The archangels are six in number and are called by the general name Amesha Spentas ("Immortal Holy Ones"); they are personifications of virtues and abstract ideas, and are named Vohu Manah ("Good Mind"), Asha Vahishta ("Perfect Righteousness"), Khshathra Vairya ("Wished-for Kingdom"), Spenta Armaiti (a feminine personification of harmony and the earth), Haurvatat ("Health," "Salvation"), and Ameretat ("Immortality"). The angels and lesser divine beings are termed Yazatas ("Worshipful Ones") and are very numerous, although twenty-one of them are more prominent than the rest; these include divine embodiments of the sun, moon, stars, fire, earth, water and air, the spirits of the righteous (called "fravashis"), and also several abstract concepts, like victory, religion, kingly glory, and the divinity known as Mithra, an incarnation of light and truth. The rabble of hell, led by Ahriman, is ill organized, and the chief archfiend, after Ahriman himself, is the demon Aeshma (Dжva), a name which is thought to be found in the Book of Tobit as Asmodeus, although this view is not accepted by some. In addition to the six archfiends there is a legion of minor fiends and demons ("dжva," "druj").

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15y ago

Best place to start is the names of all the planets, then try the link below:

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12y ago

Brahmah Vishnu and Shiva.

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10y ago

the poly thiest believe in 4 gods

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Q: What are the Roman gods and goddesses names?
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How are roman gods related to greek gods?

Roman gods and goddesses are pretty much the same, they just have different names.

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Greek mythology came first. Then the Romans came. They admired the gods and goddesses of the Greeks and copied. The Roman gods and goddesses and more disciplined and war-like. Because Greek and Roman mythology things can't have the same name, Romans changed the names.

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Because the Ancient Roman people believed in those Roman gods and goddesses. As well as other gods and goddesses from foreign people.

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The Romans adopted the the Greek gods as their own, giving them new names. Pluto's Greek name is Hades. Roman astronomers later gave the planets the names of their gods and goddesses.

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In heaven

Who were the Roman gods and why were there so many?

Roman gods were originally regional, as the Roman Empire spread and grew, these gods and goddesses were adopted into the Roman Empire.

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the roman gods did like athena and those guys the goddesses and gods! so that is how they got there fashion look! from the great godds and goddesses