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Q: What are the limitations of sand replacement method?
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What is sand cone replacement method?

sand replacement method is used for determining the dry density of soil

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by replacement method

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What are the Limitations of sand cone method?

it dries fairly quickly and can cause cracks when dried. hope this was helpful

What is the difference between sand replacement method and core cutter method to find out density?

Core cutter method is simple but results approximate and used on soft soils

What is the importance of finding field density by sand replacement method?

this method is used to determine the field density of soil and bulk density of soil wrt to sand. this method is not suitable for organic , saturated. highly plastic soil that will deform during the excavation of soil.

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What are the limitations of regula falsi method?

Limitations of Regular falsi method: Investigate the result of applying the Regula Falsi method over an interval where there is a discontinuity. Apply the Regula Falsi method for a function using an interval where there are distinct roots. Apply the Regula Falsi method over a "large" interval.