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Pepsin is activated by acid in the stomach and breaks proteins -- including those in meat, dairy, eggs and vegetable sources.

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Q: What is the enzyme present in gastric juice digests protein?
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What are gastric juices?

Gastric juices are secretions from the stomach lining that contain hyrdrochloric acid and an enzyme that digests protein.

What is the medical term meaning an enzyme that digests protein?

A protease is an enzyme that digests protein. These enzymes are also known as peptidases.

What are the two compound of gastric juice?

The two compounds of gastric juice is the enzyme pepsin, which digests and catalyzes the breakdown of protein into peptides. The other compound is hydrochloric acid, but I'm not sure what it does.

What is the name of the enzyme that digests protein?


What enzyme digests protein?


What enzyme is present in the stomach?

Pepsin is activated by acid in the stomach and breaks proteins -- including those in meat, dairy, eggs and vegetable sources.

What is the enzyme that digests starch?

The enzyme that digests starts is known as amylase. Carbohydrate enzymes are also known for the breakdown of starts into sugar.

Which enzyme digests starches?

Amylase is the enzyme that digests starch.

What is pepsionogen?

this is the proenzyme of pepsin , which is a protein digesting enzyme. pepsinogen is secreted by gastric mucosal cell

What is the gastric enzyme that acts on proteins?

The proteolytic or protein eating enzyme of the stomach is called pepsin. Pepsin is secreted into the stomach as a zymogen (or inactive enzyme precursor) called pepsinogen which is converted into the active enzyme form by the hydrochloric acid and low pH in the gastric juices.

What enzyme digests Sucrose.?

the enzyme sucrase

What is the most important enzyme in gastric juice?

Pepsin is the most important enzyme in gastric juice. It begins the digestion of nearly all types of dietary protein into polypeptides. (Originates from the inactive form pepsinogen)