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Yes, you can meet and fall in love with snomeoe over the internet just as easily or if not easier than meeting snomeoe in everyday life. The internet makes it easy for people who are normally shy in person meeting the opposite sex. I am very shy when it comes to meeting or talking to men in public. The interent makes it easy for me to talk to and be myself without being nervous. As long as you take your time getting to know snomeoe and are always honest, you too can find love, no matter where you met them. Good luck

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12y ago

promote the constitutional right of equality and the exercise of true democracy.

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9y ago

There are many advantages of the employment equity act. A couple of the advantages are workers can embrace diversity and have a respectful work environment.

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What role does the Employment Equity Act play in support of the minimum wage law?

The Employment Equity Act requires that employers remove barriers to employment that disadvantage certain groups of society. As far as support of minimum wage laws. the act ensures all are paid fair wages.

What are the implications of Employment Equity Act for businesses?

Businesses must provide jobs for pdi's

Positive aspects of employment equity?

There are many advantages to the employment equality act. Some of the advantages are that workers can embrace diversity, and a non-hostile work environment can be obtained.

What is the number of the south African employment equity act of 1998?

The original Skills Development Act is No. 97 of 1998. I was amended by the Skills Development Levies Act, No. 9 of 1999, and is now the Skills Development Amendment Act, No 31 of 2003. (

What act protects senior citizens?

Senior Citizens' Equity Act

What is EE Candidate?

An "EE" candidate is an "Employment Equity" candidate. The Employment Equity Act is a law that was passed by two countries (Canada and South Africa) where individuals that were previously discriminated against (women, people with disabilities, minorities) looks to a company to give them preferential treatment. This helps diversify the company population and rectify past procedures of excluding these candidates. It doesn't not force an employer to choose a EE candidate.

Does the military have to follow Equal Employment Act?

No. The military does not have to follow the Equal Employment Act but has equivalent regulations.

What is the employment act?

The Employment Act was enacted in 1946. It stated that the government is responsible for keeping employment levels high and keeping prices at a stable level.

What type of employment is not covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act?

Self employment

The political purposes of theTaft-Hartley Act of 1947 was?

The political purposes of theTaft-Hartley Act of 1947 was to stop strikes.

What was The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967?

the age discrimination act of 1967 prohibits employment discrmination on teh basis of age againt

When was the age discrimination in employment act enacted?

Although the Age Discrimination in Employment Act was written as early as 1962, it was enacted in 1967. This was amended by the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act and subsequently, by section 115 of the Civil Rights Act of 1991.