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Q: What are the apgar scale and the brazelton scale are used for on newborns?
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Related questions

What kind of doctor uses the apgar scale?

THe APGAR scale is applied to newborns. It may be used by obstetricians, midwives, pediatricians, neonatologists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners involved with childbirth.

What test is used to diagnose respiratory distress in infants?

I believe it is called the APGAR test. Which is also used for newborns.

Who is the inventor of the babyscale?

Dr. Virginia Apgar is the inventor of the baby scale. She invented the Apgar scale in 1953. This standard scale is used to figure out the physical status of a newborn.

The apgar score measures the fitness level of childrenbthe health of newborns or cthe sugar level of diabetics?

The apgar score is used to evaluate the health of a new born child.

What has the author Edward George Apgar written?

Edward George Apgar has not authored any books. He is best known for his work as an anesthesiologist who developed the Apgar score, a method used to quickly assess the health of newborns.

What scale is used to describe the strength of an earthquakes?

The scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake is called the Richter scale

When is the fajita scale used?

the Fujita scale (not the fajita scale) is used to tell how powerful a tornado is.

What is a scale and when is it used?

A scale is used to measure a weight of an object

What is the standard point of the lancet to be used when collecting blood from a newborns heel?

2.4 mm

What scale is used to measure very low temperatures?

Any scale can be used; the absolute, rational, thermodynamic based scale is the Kelvin scale.

What scale is used in Nirvana's Love buzz song?

Phrygian Dominant Scale

What is the Fujita scale used for?

The Fujita scale is used to classify tornadoes.