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There are no advantages.

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Q: What are the advantages of storing sulfuric acid in a metal can?
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What are the advantages of storing sulphuric acid in a glass jar?

ADVANTAGE: Actually there is no advantages for storing sulphuric acid in a metal can.DISADVANTAGE: Sulphuric acid may react with metal (a metal can). But if it comes into contact with a metal it may generate hydrogen gas, which creates an explosion risk.

When copper metal reacts with sulfuric acid?

Copper metal does not have enough reactivity to react with sulfuric acid.

Is sulfuric acid an alkali metal?

No. Sulfuric acid is an acid. The alkali metals are metallic elements.

What metal causes no reaction when reacting with sulfuric acid?

There are several metals which do not react with sulfuric acid; once such metal is gold.

Is sulfuric acid a metal?

No, not strictly speaking. Sulfuric acid is a mineral acid. It is made by reacting Sulfur Trioxide with water. Sulfur Trioxide IS a non-metal oxide.

What does sulfuric acid dissolve?

aluminum metal.

What is the balanced equation for metal and dilute sulfuric acid?

In the example of an alkali metal (valence +1) with sulfuric acid: 2Na + H2SO4 --> Na2SO4 + H2 In the example of a Group 2 metal (valence +2) with sulfuric acid: Ca + H2SO4 --> CaSO4 + H2

Is sulfuric acid a non-metal oxide?

No, not strictly speaking. Sulfuric acid is a mineral acid. It is made by reacting Sulfur Trioxide with water. Sulfur Trioxide IS a non-metal oxide.

What would happen if you split battery acid on a car made of iron?

Batteries contain sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is corrosive to metal.

In the reaction between magnesium and sulphuric acid name a metal?

Magnesium is the metal. Sulfuric acid is a compound.

Can sulphuric acid store in a metal can?

Sulfuric acid would eat through a metal can. It must be stored in glass.

What are the chemical properties of acrylic?

they are metal water and sulfuric acid