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Swelling in feet

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Q: What are symptoms of dependent edema?
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swelling or edema

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What is independent edema?

Dependent edema refers to a collection of liquid under the skin. This generally occurs in people who are overweight or who have poor circulation.

The difference between cardiac and renal edema?

Renal edema starts in the face and cardiac edema starts in the dependent areas like the leg and feet. These are the key points in distinguishing the two.

What are the symptoms if someone gets infected by the Anopheles Mosquito?

Edema of extremities

A group symptoms marked by edema proteinuuria and hypoalbuminemia?

Nephrotic syndrome

What are symptoms of congestive heart failure?

Some of the symptoms of congestive heart failure are: Pulmonary edema, sacral edema or lower limb edema, breathlessness when lying flat, difficulty in breathing and increase blood pressure. for more info, click on the link provided. Note: Edema refers to fluid retention or accumulation of fluid; Pulmonary refers to the lungs.

A group of clinical symptoms caused by severe proteinuria and resultant edema is?

Nephrotic Syndrome

Types of edema?

There are 6 types of edema. Generalized edema, skin edema, peripheral edema, corneal edema, cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, myxedema and lymphedema.

What are the symptoms of high-altitude cerebral edema?

The symptoms often begin with those of AMS, but neurologic symptoms such as an altered level of consciousness, speech abnormalities, severe headache, loss of coordination, hallucinations, and even seizures.

What are the main symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder?

The main symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder are difficulty in making decisions by themselves, difficulty expressing disagreement and fear of being alone.

What are the symptoms of kwashiorkor?

Lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, skin depigmentation, and hair loss or change in hair color.