

What are some things named after George Washington?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What are some things named after George Washington?
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Places and things are named after George Washington?

There are many things and places named after George Washington. Some of the places are Fort Washington, California, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, Little Washington, Virginia, and Washington, Iowa. Some things named after him are Georgetown College, Washington College, Central Washington University, Mount Washington, and the George Washington Bridge.

Who was Washington D.C named after?

George Washington.

What are some things George Washington was best known for?

helping people

Family info about George Washington?

some information on George Washington's family is ,he has a wife named Martha Custis and they had no children together. George Washington's father died and mother.him and Martha moved together to Mount Vermon.

What are some nice things George Washington did for everyone?

He won some of the wars for us.

What were some major contributions of George Wahington to the US Government?

The Wasginton monument was named after George Washington that was a big historical monument.

What all did George Washington Carver make?

some of the things George made was paper,ink,saop,rubber,and dyes.

What capital cities are named after people?

Some examples of capital cities named after people include Washington, D.C. (named after George Washington), Wellington (named after Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington), and Bern (named after Berthold V, Duke of Zähringen).

What were some things George Washington Carver made out of sweet potatoes?

candy and other stuff

What are some interesting things about George Washington's post war years?

george washinton fought for liberty for the slave freedom in the south.

What are some funny things about George Washington?

He loved ice cream, and his dentures had a little issues with termites.

Who are some historic people from Washington?

George Washington?