

What are some of the best foods to eat while on a diet?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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It depends on if one is obese or merely somewhat overweight. For one who is obese, the main things are: exercise, no sweetened liquids at all, and no junk food at all. Preferably no sugar. Eat 3 small-portioned meals/day; do not skip breakfast; and avoid snacks. Limit calories to around 1500/day (better to consult a doctor or nutritionist), and weigh yourself 2-3 times/week. Ignore the sensation of hunger. If you see your weight diminishing at a reasonable rate (1-2 pounds/week), keep it up.
For one who is moderately overweight, the above guidelines can be relaxed a little.
For dieters in general:
Avoid crash diets, diet pills etc. Avoid fatty cuts of meat. Walk as much as possible. Bicycling and swimming are good too.
More guidelines:
Don't concentrate on specific foods so much as on a balanced, healthy diet plus exercise. Plenty of moderate exercise rather than intense exercise, which can damage your joints.
Good nutrition means eating what your body needs, while ingesting as few harmful things as possible. It has also been described as getting enough of each of the major food categories (grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, etc.; plus plenty of water).
This will vary somewhat from one person to another; and I don't believe that there's any universal diet that can be prescribed for everyone. Avoid best-sellers with their perennial fads. And think twice before using any dietary supplements.
In general, one's starting point can be a menu of whole grains, whole-wheat bread, a good amount of vegetables, some fruits and nuts, fish, lean meats (in not-large amounts), and some dairy. However, this must be tweaked according to one's health, weight and other factors at the outset; and also adjusted over time, as one sees what works for him/her in particular.
Another general thing that may be said is: the less salt, the better. The less processed foods, the better. The less junk food, the better. The less sweetened drinks, the better.
Also...whenever you feel queasy, nauseous, constipated or otherwise not completely well, try to remember what you've eaten over the last several hours or the last day. This is one method of adjusting one's food habits.
See also the attached Related Link.
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