

Best Answer
  • Acne is caused by dirt and oil clogging the pores. To prevent acne, it is important to wash the affected area as often as possible, and try to exfoliate. Scrub with a washcloth or a bristled brush to get rid of dead skin cells that often clog pores and create pimples. To treat a pimple after it has formed, a good trick is to rub with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol up to 3 or 4 times daily. To increase effectiveness, a hot washcloth can be placed over the pimple to open and soften the pore before rubbing with the alcohol. Another trick is to put a tiny dab of toothpaste on the pimple. This will help dry it out and absorb some of the oil. Rub hydrogen peroxide on your face. wait about five minutes then rinse your face with water.
  • Proper Skin Care, especially when one has acne, is relative. For one, you have to thoroughly understand your skin first before you follow a specific skin care regimen. You need to know your skin type as there are specific ways to clean and care for the skin depending on one's complexion type.
  • Here are general tips on treating pimples:

    1. Apply camphor lotion on the affected area daily. After about 10 minutes, wash your face with lukewarm water and medicated soap.

    2. Smear a bit of mint juice on the pimples. Let this dry up before washing your face.

    3. Rub the skin with orange peel, or half of a potato.

    4. Mix a starch paste and apply on the pimple itself. Let it stay overnight and wash your face in the morning.

    5. Apply toothpaste on the pimple twice daily. Let it dry up and then wash your face with tap water.

    6. Wash your face with raw milk before bedtime.

    7. For acne prevention, wash your face with coconut milk.

Acne home remedies:

What you need :

- 1 tablespoon honey

- few drops of tea tree oil

- spatula

- bowl

- warm water

- towel


Combined the honey and tea tree oil in a bowl using the spatula. Apply the mixture into affected area. Leave it on for 15 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. Gently dab the towel onto your face to let it dry.

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Apple Cider Vinegar. This stuff is amazing. It seriously seems to cure everything. It is very cheap, and found at any grocery store. Dilute it with water (usually about 50/50, depending on how much it burns.) and use it as an astringent. This is a very, very good solution that I am tempted to guarantee works.

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Q: What are some home remedies for acne?
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What are some remedies for acne that you can use at home?

There are literally hundreds of home remedies for acne that have been proposed down through the years. Some popular remedies include the topical use of egg whites, honey, lavender, oatmeal, baking soda, papaya, or tea tree oil. Additionally, the consumption of specific foods like lavender and flax seeds is said to have a beneficial effect for acne sufferers.

What are some homemade remedies for bad acne?

There are many home made remedies that can be used to treat bad acne. Some include applying fresh garlic to the swollen areas to reduce scarring as well as applying toothpaste to spots to help reduce the inflammation.

How do you stop having acne natural remedies house remedies no creams just simple house remedies stuff I can find easily on the super market or Walmart or in my house remember all natural no lies ok?

There are a few natural remedies or home remedies which involve simple household ingredients that can be used in stopping and treating acne. One can easily find the ingredients for these remedies in the Supermarket or Walmart or in their own homes. Some all natural remedies include using toothpaste on areas of acne infected skin or using a sliced potato on the skin. Using a sliced lemon on the skin is also another good home remedy for acne.

What is the home remedy for acne scars?

Home remedies for acne scars are lemon juice, tomato juice, cucumber, olive oil, almond oil and tea tree oil. They contain ingredients that repair damage skin cells and reduce acne scars. Regular application of these natural home remedies can lighten the acne scars.

How do you remove acne scar?

visit clinic with microderm treatment or home remedies

What are some common cures for acne?

Some common cures for acne include Proactiv and retinoids. Home remedies often include honey, egg white and herbal blends of teas used as cold compresses.

How do you get rid of acne with home remedies?

Apply regular toothpaste and sleep with it over-night.

How do you get rid of your acne with home remedies how often do you use these home remedies?

Rub hydrogen peroxide on your face once or twice a day for a week. if it doesn't work by then it wont work. .:Maleah:.

What are some home remedies for pimples involving baking soda?

Baking soda is an inexpensive and easy home remedy for acne. It only requires gently washing or scrubbing the face or other acne prone areas with baking soda and warm water. Acne may return after discontinuing the use, however.

What are some safe and natural remedies for acne?

Tea tree oil appears to be one of the most common recommendations for safe and natural acne remedies. Another alternative is to place some egg white on the pimple and leave on overnight.

What are some home remedies to prevent acne?

drink more water, take proper sleep, don't eat more sweets,don't take tension

What are some home remedies that one can use for clogged pores?

One of the most common home remedies for clogged pores is to mix strawberries and honey together. This will help the treatment of acne and neutralize bacteria in the skin.