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The Periods are the horizontal rows on the Periodic Table.

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Q: What are periods on the periodic table of elements?
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How does the periodic table summarize elements?

In the periodic table chemical elements are orderd in periods and groups.

What is referred to as periods regarding the Periodic Table of the Elements?

Horizontal rows are called periods. There are 7 periods in periodic table.

How many periods in the periodic table of elements?

there are 7 periods in the periodic table118

What is a periodic table of the elements?

Horizontal rows in Periodic Table are called Periods

What are horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table?

The horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table are called periods.

How many peroids are in the periodic table of elements?

There are 18 periods in the periodic table. The periods are divided according to the chemical properties of elements. Elements in a group have similar properties.

What is horizontal on the periodic table of elements are called periods?

each row in the Periodic Table is called a period.

What do the periods along the sides of the periodic table tell you about the elements on the periodic table?


How elements arranged in the periodic table?

Elements are arranged on the Periodic Table in the order of the atomic number, in groups and periods.

What are the horizontal rows elements called on a periodic table?

The horizontal rows are periods on periodic table. There are 7 horizontal rows in modern periodic table.

How are elements in the Periodic Table of elements?

The periodic table of Mendeleev contain now 118 chemical elements arranged in groups and periods.

What do we call the horizontal row in the periodic table of elements?

Horizontal rows are called periods. There are 7 periods in periodic table.