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The first ten multiples of 50 are 50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500. All of these multiples are even numbers as they end in 0.

If you double 50 you get 100 and half of 50 is 25.

50 squared is 2500 (since 50 times 50 is 2500).

Also, the cube of 50 is 125000 (since 50 times 50 times 50 is 125000)

The square root of 50 is 7.07 rounded to 3 significant figures.

50% as a decimal is 0.5 and 1/2 as a fraction.

50 miles is about the same length as 80 kilometres (50 × 1.6).

50 gallons is about the same volume as 225 litres. (50 × 4.5).

50 pounds is a about the same weight as 22.7 kilograms (50 ÷ 2.2).

A 2D shape made up of 50 sides is called a pentacontagon.

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