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Throughout your everyday life, any time that you move, your speed that you move at is lessened by inertia. This also holds true to gravity; if you were to trip, without inertia you would accelerate into the ground quickly and likely hurt yourself. The property of inertia is invariably important to the way we live our lives.

As for gravity, it affects us constantly. In order to counteract gravity, we must apply an equal and opposite force to remain in a constant, non-accelerating state. For example, when you climb ladder, you are not applying a larger force than that which gravity is applying on you, they are equal, allowing you to retain the same speed as you climb the ladder. This will also apply to climbing back down the ladder. This means that ascending and descending a ladder (flight of stairs, hill, etc.) requires the same amount of work regardless.

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Inertia makes an object stay at rest if no external force is applied to it. Inertia also makes objects want to stay moving if moving in the first place, but cannot be successful due to friction, which opposes motion. Gravity makes sure an object does not start to float. Gravity let you stay in contact with the Earth.

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Exactly the same as its effects on Earth with which we are so familiar with. Every planet attracts objects on or near it toward its center, with a gravitational force that depends on the mass of the object, as well as on the mass and size of the planet.

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Gravity :) Jump into the air every day, tell me if gravity is present.

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actually yes, every particle that has mass has gravity, that means every molecule every atom of everything that exists has gravity and the more particles you put together, the higher that gravity is, that's why oxygen stays on earth rather than going out into space

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No, if your asking if gravity counters any force, then the answer is no.