

What are daffodils like?

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Q: What are daffodils like?
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How do you compare daffodils with stars?

The poet of nature ,William Wordsworth describes comparison about the daffodils that the row of daffodils looks like the endless row, the continuous row of shining stars in the Milky Way.Stars shine on the sky and the poet imagines that the daffodils are just like twinkling stars in the bright daylight.

What is an example sentence using a conjunction?

The basic conjunctions are and, but and or.Example Sentences:The tulips and the daffodils are blooming this spring.The tulips are blooming but the daffodils are not.Do you like daffodils or tulips better?

Are there daffodils in Alabama?

Yes we have daffodils

What is the plural word form of daffodils?

"Daffodils" is the plural of "daffodil."

do daffodils eat flies?

No, daffodils are not carnivorous. :P

Where are daffodils grown in India?

daffodils are not found in India.

When were daffodils invented?

Daffodils have been around many many centuries. In fact daffodils are older than humans. Daffodils evolved sometime in the Oligocene period or Miocene period.

Would sandy soil help grow daffodils better?

Soil that retains water and gives daffodils "wet feet" will cause bulb rot and the plants/bulbs will die. Sandy soil is well drained and slightly acidic and that is a favorite of daffodils. Sandy soil will also make for slightly taller daffodils, which are preferred if you like cut flowers.

Do daffodils grow in Europe?

Yes, daffodils grow in Europe.

What grows in September?

Well a lot grows in september like Daffodils and so on

What is a group of daffodils called?

When referring to the plants, you can say, "plant daffodils in groups of at least 30".It's not like with animals where you have herds, flocks and a congress.When referring to the flowers, you have a "bouquet of daffodils".When referring to the plants, you can say, "plant daffodils in groups of at least 30".It's not like with animals where you have herds, flocks and a congress.When referring to the flowers, you have a "bouquet of daffodils".

Are daffodils fatal if eaten by hamsters?

No Hamsters can eat Daffodils :D