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Q: What are chemical reactions that are regulated by organic catalyst called?
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What organic molecule seeds up chemical reactions?

Chemical reactions are speeded up by enzymes (= proteins, = organic molecules) or more in general: by catalyst

What does it mean if enzymes are organic catalyst?

Enzymes are organic catalysts. A catalyst is a chemical that controls the rate of a reaction, but is itself not used up in the process. Reactions that are accelerated due to the presence of enzymes are known as enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

What speeds up an rectant?

A catalyst does. These are usually non-organic substances that speeds up chemical reactions. The reactants are the ones that are present BEFORE the reaction.

Is manganese dioxide a catalyst?

Enzymes are boilogical catalysts or assistants that speed up chemical reactions with out changing all enzymes are catalysts but not all catalysts are enzymes.Manganese oxide is not an enzyme but is a catalyst it is also a mineral. Thank you.

Do enzymes speed up a chemical reactions?

Ensymes speed up a chemical reaction by acting as organic catalyst, a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.

Do proteins regulate nearly all chemical reactions?

No. Non-organic chemical reactions do no have proteins.

Is meat tenderizer an enzyme or a catalyst?

Meat tenderizer is made up of protease enzymes, usually papain and bromelain, that attack the protein structure of meat and makes less tough or more tender. An enzyme is biocatalyst that is itself made of a highly structured protein or proteins thus making it a biochemical and organic material. A catalyst, on the other hand, will still speed up chemical reactions like an enzyme, but cannot be classified as a biochemical or organic material; a catalyst is an inorganic or non-biochemical material that will speed chemical reactions.

Proteins can perform many different functions in living cells. One major function acting as a catalyst for chemical reactions can also be performed by what other kind of organic molecule?


. Proteins can perform many different functions in living cells. One major function acting as a catalyst for chemical reactions can also be performed by what other kind of organic molecule?


Proteins can perform many different functions in living cells One major function acting as a catalyst for chemical reactions can also be performed by what other kind of organic molecule?


What is the chemical equation for an organic molecule?

Millions of organic compounds reactions are known !

What is a substance that speeds up a chemical process?

catalyst-by lowering activation energy