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Aerodynamic shapes are those that tend to minimize or eliminate the production of turbulence in a liquid medium (including air and gasses) as the medium and the shape move relative to one another. It makes no difference if the shape is moving through the medium, or the medium is moving around the shape. The point is the same: lower turbulence. Aerodynamic shapes typically have tapered leading edges that present to the stream. Then they typically widen to their maximum width and continue to taper to their trailing edge. The waterline of a kayak or canoe are good example of a typical aerodynamic shape.

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Kayaks are hydrodynamic not aerodynamic. Aerodynamic means 'of the air'. People don't fly on kayaks.

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"The spy plane was very aerodynamic." :-)

How can you use the word aerodynamic in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.The new plane is more aerodynamic than the old one.That car is designed to be aerodynamic to conserve gas.Birds are aerodynamic.

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yes it is smooth and small and round. it is aerodynamic

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What does it mean to say you can be aerodynamic?

aerodynamic |ˌe(ə)rōdīˈnamik|adjectiveof or relating to aerodynamics : aerodynamic forces.• of or having a shape that reduces the drag from air moving past : the plane has a more aerodynamic shape.

What is air residence?

Resistance is force applied against an object trying to move through it like a car. That's why they test shapes in wind tunnels to see what is more aerodynamic. (reducing said resistance)