

What are Nyalas?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Nyalas are like deers

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Q: What are Nyalas?
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What is the plural of nyala?

It can be nyalas or nyala. Xo, Smartiiz.

How fast do nyalas run?

they run really fast. In fact they run 50 MPH!

What do simien jackals eat?

They maily prey on rodents such as the big headed mole rat, but rarely they prey on the young of larger animals such as mountain nyalas.

What are some six letter words with 2nd letter Y and 3rd letter A and 4th letter L and 5th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -YALA-. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter Y and 3rd letter A and 4th letter L and 5th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: nyalas

What are some six letter words with 3rd letter A and 4th letter L and 5th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 10 words with the pattern --ALA-. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter A and 4th letter L and 5th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: chalah chalan coalas jhalas khalat koalas nyalas scalae scalar stalag

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What are some six letter words with 3rd letter A and 5th letter A and 6th letter S?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 47 words with the pattern --A-AS. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter A and 5th letter A and 6th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: abacas abakas abayas afaras agamas alapas anabas ananas anatas arabas asanas bravas brazas bwanas charas chayas coalas dramas fracas gramas guanas guavas jhalas jnanas kaamas khayas koalas lianas llamas nganas nyalas playas plazas poakas pranas reatas riatas ruanas scapas shamas shayas taatas thanas tiaras ulamas whatas zoaeas

What are some mammals?

there are whales and also humans are mammals. Answer There are about 21 orders of mammals. Examples of mammals, by order are: Order Primates: tarsiers, lemurs, sifakas, aye-ayes, bushbabies/galagos, pottos, angwantibos, lorises, chimpanzees, bonobos, humans, orangutans, gorillas, gibbons, baboons, mandrills, drills, spider monkeys, woolly monkeys, squirrel monkeys, leaf monkeys/langurs, night monkeys/dourucoulis, uakaris, macacques, marmosets, tamarins, proboscis monkeys, samango monkeys, patas monkeys, colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys, guenons, Diana monkeys Order Carnivora: cheetahs, ocelots, pumas, margays, kodkods, lions, tigers, leopards, clouded leopards, snow leopards, lynxes, cats, servals, civets, mongooses, binturongs, coatimundis, seals, sea lions, walruses, elephant seals, raccoons, pandas, bears, hyaenas, dogs, jackals, wolves, foxes Order Chiroptera: fruit bats, flying foxes, vampire bats, noctule bats, pipistrelles, bulldog bats, free tailed bats, horseshoe bats, leaf nosed bats Order Cetartiodactyla: sheep, goats, ibexes, markhors, bison, buffalo, cattle, impalas, kudus, nyalas, oryxes, sable antelope, blackbuck, musk deer, chevrotains, deer, warthogs, babirusas, pygmy hogs, peccaries, pigs, giraffes, okapis, camels, vicunas, llamas, alpacas, hippopotamuses, pygmy hippopotamuses, baleen whales, right whales, river dolphins, dolphins, killer whales, porpoises, pilot whales, sperm whales Order Rodentia: rats, mice, beavers, capybaras, squirrels, porcupines, mole rats, chinchillas

What animal is Singapore famous for?

The Merlion which is an mythical beast with the a lion's head and flowing mane and the body of a large scaled fish. It is used the mascot of Singapore. Its name combines "mer" meaning the sea commemorating Singapore's ancient name Tumasek (meaning 'sea town' in Javanese, one of the Austronesian language, in Indonesia). The lion head commemorates Singapore's original name, meaning "lion city" or "Singapura". On the other hand, there is a breed of cats, the Singapura which has also been recognized as a Singapore Tourist Promotion Board mascot. Also known as the Kucinta, the Singapura is one of the world's smallest breeds of cats. It has large eyes and ears (in proportion to its face), brown ticked coat and blunt tail and sports a playful and human friendly personality.

What are some words that start with letter N?

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What is four letter word with as in the middle?

2-letter wordsas3-letter wordsaas, bas, fas, gas, has, kas, las, mas, pas, ras, tas, vas, was4-letter wordsabas, agas, alas, amas, anas, baas, bias, boas, bras, eras, etas, eyas, goas, kaas, keas, koas, kvas, leas, moas, ocas, okas, peas, pias, pyas, rias, ryas, seas, skas, spas, teas, twas, upas, utas, yeas5-letter wordsabbas, aghas, agmas, albas, alfas, algas, alias, almas, amias, angas, anlas, annas, anoas, antas, aquas, areas, arias, arras, atlas, atmas, auras, avgas, babas, balas, bemas, betas, bimas, bolas, boras, botas, buras, cacas, camas, chias, cocas, codas, colas, comas, cycas, cymas, dadas, degas, devas, ditas, divas, donas, dopas, dumas, duras, ephas, etnas, eyras, fetas, fleas, galas, gamas, getas, gigas, glias, hahas, horas, hoyas, hulas, hylas, ideas, iotas, isbas, ixias, javas, jotas, jubas, judas, kakas, kanas, kapas, kavas, kinas, kivas, kolas, lamas, lavas, limas, liras, litas, lotas, lunas, mamas, manas, mayas, mesas, micas, minas, molas, monas, moras, moxas, muras, mynas, nanas, nemas, nipas, nomas, nonas, novas, obias, ohias, okras, ollas, orcas, pacas, papas, paras, picas, pikas, pimas, pinas, pitas, pleas, proas, psoas, pujas, pumas, punas, pupas, ragas, raias, rajas, rayas, rheas, rotas, sagas, sheas, simas, skuas, sodas, sofas, sojas, somas, soras, soyas, stoas, subas, suras, talas, tapas, tepas, texas, togas, tolas, toras, tubas, tufas, tunas, ulnas, ulvas, ureas, uveas, varas, vigas, vinas, visas, vivas, wekas, yogas, yugas, zetas, zoeas6-letter wordsabacas, abakas, abomas, agamas, agoras, agrias, ajivas, ajugas, akelas, aliyas, alohas, alphas, amebas, amigas, anabas, animas, aortas, apneas, arecas, arenas, aromas, babkas, baizas, balsas, belgas, bettas, biogas, biotas, boheas, boylas, bravas, brazas, bunyas, bursas, bwanas, callas, cannas, canvas, capias, ceibas, cerias, cestas, charas, chelas, chinas, chufas, coalas, cobias, cobras, cocoas, colzas, commas, congas, copras, cottas, cuppas, cutlas, dachas, daggas, deltas, dermas, dipsas, doblas, dobras, dogmas, dolmas, dongas, donnas, doumas, douras, dramas, dulias, durras, edemas, enemas, ericas, extras, facias, faenas, fangas, faunas, fellas, ferias, floras, flotas, foveas, fracas, galeas, gambas, gammas, ganjas, genoas, gramas, guavas, gummas, halvas, hamzas, hansas, hennas, hollas, hondas, hookas, hostas, huzzas, hydras, hyenas, ixoras, jagras, jnanas, juntas, kalpas, kappas, karmas, khedas, kiblas, koalas, koppas, kurtas, lamias, lampas, larvas, lauras, lehuas, lemmas, lianas, libras, limbas, limpas, lingas, llamas, loofas, luffas, lyssas, lyttas, madras, mafias, magmas, mambas, mammas, manias, mannas, mantas, matzas, mbiras, meccas, medias, mensas, milpas, mirzas, mochas, mommas, moolas, mudras, mullas, murras, myomas, nachas, ninjas, norias, nubias, nyalas, omegas, operas, outgas, pachas, paisas, pampas, pandas, pangas, parkas, pietas, pinnas, pintas, pizzas, playas, plazas, polkas, poppas, primas, punkas, purdas, quotas, reatas, redias, riatas, riojas, ruanas, rumbas, sabras, saigas, salpas, salsas, sambas, sangas, saunas, scenas, schwas, scubas, selvas, sennas, sepias, shamas, shivas, sigmas, silvas, sirras, softas, spicas, stomas, stupas, sulfas, summas, sunnas, surras, sutras, suttas, sylvas, syngas, tablas, tafias, taigas, tankas, tazzas, teguas, tenias, terras, teslas, tetras, thetas, thujas, thuyas, tiaras, tibias, tineas, tongas, tronas, ulamas, ulemas, ultras, umbras, urbias, usneas, uvulas, vandas, varnas, veenas, vestas, villas, vincas, violas, virgas, vistas, vodkas, volvas, vulvas, wallas, whenas, xenias, yentas, yerbas, yuccas, zamias, zanzas, zebras7-letter wordsabulias, acacias, acedias, aftosas, agendas, ahimsas, albatas, alexias, alpacas, altheas, amoebas, amritas, amusias, anemias, anginas, angoras, anopias, anoxias, anurias, apnoeas, areolas, argalas, aristas, armadas, arnicas, arrobas, ataxias, aucubas, auroras, axillas, azaleas, balatas, balboas, bananas, barytas, befleas, belugas, berthas, bhaktas, bilboas, boccias, bodegas, bonitas, brahmas, bugshas, buqshas, bushwas, cabalas, cabanas, caeomas, calesas, cameras, camisas, canchas, canulas, cardias, carinas, caritas, catenas, cedulas, cesuras, chacmas, chakras, challas, charkas, chimlas, chollas, choreas, chromas, chukkas, cicadas, cicalas, cinemas, citolas, clivias, cloacas, codeias, contras, coppras, copulas, corneas, coronas, coryzas, cowpeas, cuestas, cupolas, curaras, czardas, dagobas, dahlias, datchas, daturas, defleas, dharmas, dharnas, dhooras, dhurnas, duennas, eczemas, elodeas, encinas, enigmas, erratas, eupneas, exactas, fajitas, fanegas, farinas, favelas, fedoras, ferulas, fibulas, fiestas, funkias, galenas, gambias, geishas, geladas, genevas, gliomas, glorias, glossas, goannas, grappas, guineas, halalas, halloas, hamadas, hegiras, hejiras, hernias, hilloas, holloas, hooplas, hulloas, hutzpas, hyaenas, iguanas, impalas, indabas, intimas, jacanas, jarinas, jerboas, jicamas, jojobas, judokas, kabakas, kabalas, kabayas, kahunas, kalmias, kamalas, kerrias, kinemas, kishkas, korunas, kwanzas, lacunas, lagunas, lambdas, laminas, latrias, ligulas, lipomas, lithias, loggias, maculas, maffias, malthas, mananas, manilas, mantras, mantuas, maracas, marinas, markkas, mazumas, medakas, medinas, medusas, metepas, mezuzas, mimosas, misbias, morulas, mucosas, muletas, murrhas, myopias, myricas, myxomas, naganas, nauseas, nebulas, novenas, nutrias, obelias, oedemas, ottavas, paellas, pagodas, pajamas, panadas, panamas, papayas, paruras, patacas, patinas, payolas, pelotas, pesetas, pesewas, phobias, piazzas, picaras, pinatas, piranas, pirayas, pleuras, pneumas, posadas, proteas, psyllas, puranas, pyemias, pyjamas, pyrolas, pyurias, quaggas, quinoas, quokkas, radulas, raffias, ranulas, raphias, redowas, reginas, remoras, remudas, resedas, retinas, rhumbas, rugolas, salinas, salivas, salvias, samaras, samosas, sapotas, sataras, schemas, scillas, scleras, scotias, senecas, senegas, senoras, serosas, shammas, sheilas, sheltas, sherpas, siennas, sierras, siestas, sifakas, silicas, smegmas, sonatas, spireas, sradhas, stadias, stanzas, stellas, stemmas, stigmas, stratas, strumas, sulphas, taenias, taffias, talukas, tantras, taramas, tarsias, teargas, telegas, tephras, terbias, thorias, thulias, torulas, traumas, troikas, tundras, ultimas, uranias, uremias, utopias, vaginas, valutas, verglas, veritas, vicunas, vizslas, whereas, womeras, yantras, yautias, yttrias, zananas, zarebas, zaribas, zenanas, zeugmas, zinnias, zonulas, zoysias, zygomas

What Scrabble words end with N?

* Aboon * Actin * Adman * Adown * Aeon * Airn * Anion * Bairn * Beton * Blain * Bogan * Boron * Boson * Bosun * Cairn * Capon * Coden * Codon * Cogon * Coign * Daman * Daven * Devon * Dawen * Elan * Firn * Fohn * Foin * Gaen * Girn * Glen * Guan * Haen * Hisn * Hwan * Jean * Jeon * Jin * Jinn * Kain * Karn * Khan * Kirn * Lien * Limn * Linn * Loon * Lown * Mawn * Mien * Morn * Muon * Naan * Pein * Phon * Pian * Pion * Quean * Quern * Quin * Rein * Ricin * Sain * Sawn * Sunn * Tain * Tern * Toon * Ulan * Upon * Vain * Vein * Wain * Wean * Ween * Wynn * Yean * Yuan * Zein * Zoon