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kino and juana froze in their positions.juana repeated an acient magic to uard against such evil

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Kino and Juana are devastated when their baby Coyotito is stung by the scorpion. They immediately seek help in the form of a doctor, but are met with indifference and discrimination by the doctor. This event propels them on a journey to find a pearl that will provide them with a better life.

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Q: What are Kino and Juana's reaction to the scorpion?
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What movement did kino hear in the night?

Kino heard a scorpion moving in the night.

What are kino and juanas expectations for the day?

Kino and Juana hope to have a peaceful day with their family. Kino wants to find a valuable pearl to secure a better future for them. Juana expects to take care of their son and maintain harmony within their household.

1 Why can neither Kino nor Juana protect their baby from the scorpion?

I think kino and juana froze in position

Where is the setting of the book the pearl?

The Pearl, which takes place in La Paz, Mexico, begins with a description of the seemingly idyllic family life of Kino, his wife Juana and their infant son, Coyotito. Kino watches as Coyotito sleeps, but sees a scorpion crawl down the rope that holds the hanging box where Coyotito lies. Kino attempts to catch the scorpion, but Coyotito bumps the rope and the scorpion falls on him. Although Kino kills the scorpion, it still stings Coyotito. Juana and Kino, accompanied by their neighbors, go to see the local doctor, who refuses to treat Coyotito because Kino cannot pay.

Who is coyotito in The Pearl?

coyotito is the son of kino and juana he gets stung by the scorpion

How have kino and juanas life changed since they found the pearl?

Kino and Juana's life changed dramatically after finding the pearl. They experienced both the promise of wealth and the destructive power of greed. They faced violence, betrayal, and loss, ultimately learning the true cost of their newfound fortune.

Why did the author use the word delicately to describe the scorpion in the Pearl?

The word "delicately" is used to describe the scorpion in "The Pearl" because it suggests a sense of fragility and vulnerability, contrasting the danger posed by the venomous creature. This choice of language adds depth to the scorpion's portrayal, emphasizing its potential to harm despite its delicate appearance.

The pearl-why doesnt juana alert kino when coyotito is stung?

Juana may have been focused on treating Coyotito's injury, believing she could handle it herself. Additionally, she might have been trying to avoid alarming Kino and causing him unnecessary worry or distraction while he was searching for a pearl. Lastly, there could have been a cultural factor at play, where women are expected to quietly handle emergency situations without burdening men.

How did 'The Pearl' by John Steinbeck begin?

The pearl began when Coyotito is sleeping and Kino spots a scorpion on the rope that is hanging from Coyotito's bed. Tino tried to grab the scorpion but Coyotito shook the string and made the scorpion fall right on the Coyotito's shoulder and sting him.

What is the conflict in chapter one in The Pearl?

In the first chapter of "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck, the conflict arises when Kino, the protagonist, discovers a valuable pearl while diving for pearls. This discovery sets off a chain of events as Kino is suddenly thrust into a struggle to protect his newfound treasure and his family from those who seek to exploit him.

Why do the doctor and priest come to visit kino house?

The doctor comes to Kino's house to treat his son, Coyotito, who has been bitten by a scorpion. The priest accompanies the doctor out of concern for the family and to offer his spiritual support during the difficult time.

What is the symbol of chapter 1 in the pearl?

The symbol of chapter 1 in "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck is the scorpion. The scorpion represents danger and evil, foreshadowing the challenges and obstacles that Kino and his family will face throughout the story. It also symbolizes the predatory nature of the world in which they live.