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I'm pretty sure Gentamycin is the only one that does both... You might want to do some research of your own starting with that and see what others you can find.

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Q: What aminoglycosides cause ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity?
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Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity are caused by what?

Main Drugs/Classes are: Cisplatin Loop Diuretics Aminoglycosides Vancomycin Edit: <<While I'm sure many things cause otoxicity and nephrotoxicity; the major example that springs to mind is aminoglycocides (gentomicin/streptomicin)>>

What are the causes of ototoxicity?

Many drugs can cause ototoxicity. Antibiotics: amikacin (Amikin), streptomycin, neomycin, gentamicin (Garamycin).

What are the symptoms of ototoxicity?

ototoxic drugs may cause lack of hearing, and loss of sense of balance.

What is the prognosis for a patient with ototoxicity?

The prognosis depends on the drugs that caused the ototoxicity, and their dose. The aminoglycoside antibiotics, gentamicin, kanamycin, netilmycin and tobramycin all cause hearing loss to varying degrees. These drugs may be used.

Why aminoglycosides cause weakness in myasthenia gravis?

Aminoglycosides inhibit the release of acetylcholine from the motor nerve. Myestenia gravis patients are more susceptible to this effect. So these drugs are to be avoided in myestenia gravis patients.

What diseases are cause by antibiotics?

You can get the pseudo-membranous enterocolitis due to use of broad spectrum antibiotics. You can get permanent deafness and/or vertigo and nephrotoxicity due to injudicious use of aminoglycosides like gentamicin, streptomycin, tobramycin, kanamicin and amikacin. You can get yellow coloured teeth due to use of tetracyclines during pregnancy and in children below the eight years of age. You can get thrush in mouth and in vagina due to use of some antibiotics.

What process cause the misreading of of bacteria mRNA and the breakup of polysomes?

Aminoglycosides. They're antibiotics, or more specifically protein synthesis inhibitors

How is ototoxicity diagnosed?

Ototoxicity often goes undiagnosed. This occurs when the hearing loss is slight, or when it is restricted to the higher frequencies. Patients may notice a change in their hearing, but it may not be significant enough to report.

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What is the treatment for ototoxicity?

There are no current treatments to reverse the effects of ototoxicity. People who suffer permanent hearing loss may elect to use hearing aids, or, when appropriate, receive a cochlear implant. For those who have balance problems.

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What class of antibiotic drugs are nephrotoxicity and otoxicity potential side effects?

Nephrotoxicity: Certain drugs are inherently nephrotoxic and include aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, cisplatin, contrast dye, and cyclosporine Otoxicity There are more than 200 medications and chemicals that are known to cause hearing and balance problems. It is important to discuss with your doctor the potential for hearing or balance damage of any drug you are taking. Sometimes there is little choice. Treatment with a particular medication may provide the best hope for curing a life-threatening disease or stopping a life-threatening infection. Ototoxic medications known to cause permanent damage include certain aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as gentamicin (family history may increase susceptibility), and cancer chemotherapy drugs, such as cisplatin and carboplatin. Drugs known to cause temporary damage include salicylate pain relievers (aspirin, used for pain relief and to treat heart conditions), quinine (to treat malaria), and loop diuretics (to treat certain heart and kidney conditions).