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No one because the exact value of pi in circle has never been determined and it is an irrational number.

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Q: Who first founded the value of pi in India?
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What is the fraction for pi in circumference?

the fraction 22/7 is often used as an approximation for the value of pi. it is off from the actual value by about 0.04 percent (1 in 2500). This would be like measuring a football field and being off by about 1.5 inches on your measurement. The fraction 355/113 is amazingly close, better than 1 part in 10 million

How do you calculate the freq of a sine wave?

Suppose a sine wave of the form y = A*sin(k) withA = amplitude or maximum value of the function y (namely when k = pi/2 or 90°)k = the value on the x-axis of the functionIt's typical of a sine wave that it's periodic, which means the function y repeats itself after a certain period. This period is equal to 2*pi or 360°, for example:for k = pi/2, 5*pi/2, 9*pi/2, ... the value of y will be the same and equal to A (notice that 5*pi/2 = pi/2 + 2*pi and 9*pi/2 = 5*pi/2 + 2*pi)In physics it's a more common practice to write a sine wave as y = A*sin(omega*t) with omega the angular frequency specified in radians/s (omega refers to the Greek letter) and t the time specified in seconds.Now, when you want to calculate the frequency f of a sine wave (which is not equal to the angular frequency) or in other words the number of complete cycles that occur per second (specified in cycle/s or s-1 or Hz), you need to know the time T required to complete one full cycle (specified in s/cycle or just s or Hz-1). The frequency f is then equal to 1/T.Knowing omega you can calculate the frequency in a different and more common way:since the sine wave is periodic and after a time T one cycle has been completed (thus one period), it follows that omega*T = 2*pi for the function y to have the same value after one period (the function y having the same value is equal to completing one cycle).Let's rearrange this formula by bringing 2*pi to the left and T to the right, so we get:omega/(2*pi) = 1/T and since 1/T = f we finally get:f = omega / (2*pi)

How many digits are in pie?

There are unlimited digits in pi and they never repeat. The first few are 3.14159.......

What is the relationship between circumference and pi?

In any circle, the product of pi and the diameter will be the circumference. That is because pi is the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. Here is the equation: c = pi x d

Since pi is not real does that mean that 1 plus or minus pi isn't real also?

pi IS real. It's irrational, but not unreal.

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What are some of ancient India's inventions?

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Who found the first known value of pi?

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Who were the first people to write pi math?

The first to find the value in pi were the Babylonians and Egyptians.

Who was the first person to find the value of Pi?

There is no recorded single discoverer of the value of pi. Although, it has been recorded that the Egyptians were aware of pi.

Who was the first to determine the value of pi?


What are the first 10 digits in pi?

The value of Pi is 3.14159, but the first 10 digits are 3.141592658

Who first calculated value of pi?

Archimedes (287-212 BC) was the first to have had a serious attempt at calculating pi.

Who were the first known people to value pi?

People from ancient civilizations knew about the value of pi but as it was then as it is now the exact value of pi has never been conclusively found because it is an irrational number.

The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana?

No, the value of pi was not first calculated by Budhayana. It is debated who the first person was to calculate it. However, it is believed that Archimedes was the first to calculate it using polygons, while Ptolemy was the first to assigned it its current value directly.

What extraordinary India mathematician created a formula to rapidly calculate the value of pi?

Srinivasa Ramanujan.

Who use the first to use pi?

The first person to use pi is the awesome man Archimedes he was the first to compute pi's value accurately! I know this answer and I'm in 5th grade!:)

What is the value of pi to 100?

Here are the first 100 digits in Pi.3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679Thank y'all for reading