

Were owners mean to slaves

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Many were - and the worst ones tended to be downriver in Mississippi. (Hence the fear of being 'sold down the river')

Others who were highly respectable, like Robert E.Lee, treated slaves harshly because they thought blacks would abuse lenient treatment.

Curiously, the Confederate President was a Mississippi landowner who treated his slaves so well that they didn't want their freedom.

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I am not sure what you mean about "winning slaves". Slaves were bought and sold like property.

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depends. Plantation owners had slaves ranging from 20 to 100s. home owners had slaves as servants ranging from 1 to 3. the armies too had slaves. the number of slaves owned depended on the needs of the owners.

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North Slave owners did pay their slaves, but south slave owners didn't. See the following link.

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because if you were under the age of 21 you weren't free so owners killed slaves to keep them as slaves

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Slaves were cheap to replace.