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Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The most common are transmitted in contaminated fresh water. Infection commonly results during bathing, washing, drinking, in the preparation of food, or the consumption of food thus infected

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Q: Water born diseases
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What are some water born diseases?

CholeraTyphoid feverDysenteryAmebic dysenteryBrainerd diarrhea

What is the differences between viral and bacterial water-born disease?

The viral water-borne diseases cannot be treated by the antibiotics while the bacterial water-borne diseases can be treated by the antibiotics.

What will happen if you swim in dirty water?

You will come out dirty and you may pick up water born diseases.

How do you prevent water born diseases?

water borne diseases can be prevented by boiling the water or adding chlorine to it

What diseases of anceient times are still treated today?

Two diseases that I can think of right away are malaria and leprosy. Dysentery and other water born diseases are still active in areas prone to flooding.

Were middle age diseases spread by insects?

Fleas spread the plague, mosquitoes spread various diseases ( still do). A lot of disease was caused by bad water with water born bacteria and pollution. The cause of cholera is bad water ( still is).

How Did the floods help ancient China?

Well, there were floods from the Yellow River and that helped people that lived near there for water to drink and to use. Although, it could give cancer and water born disease. (water born disease = diseases from the water)

What are the symptoms for water born diseases?

Most of them cause GI symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, fever and just feeling unwell.

What water forms are in Cameroon central Africa?

Including the lakes, the total water area is 6000 square Kms. Water born diseases are prevalent. There are thermal springs indicating previous volcanic activity

What is Epidemic after flood?

There is a potential for water born diseases like cholera and hepatitis A after a flood. Also flooding increases the risk of malaria and dengue.

Do baby raccoons carry diseases?

No, new born raccoons do not normally carry diseases but they can contract diseases from the mother after birth.