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O people, recollect the title of Rasoolullaah (saws) - Rehmatul lil 'aalameen. He is the Rehmat (blessing) for the two universes. What does two universes mean? it is both the worlds - the world of life and death. The shari'at of Allah is not meant for humans. It is for all the creations of Allah, whether, minerals, vegetations, animals and man. The earth of Allah never remains void of the Hujjatullaah (the representative of Allah). The earth is alive only because the Haqq of Allah is alive on His land. The Hujjatullaah is from the progeny of Imaam Husain (as) and according to Isma'ili Faatemi sect, the succession of Imaamat went into seclusion after during the time of Imaam Taiyab (as) - the 21st Faatemi Imaam. The imaamat exists in his progeny at present and will continue till the Day of Qayaamat. Hence every prophet sent by Allah never serves the local purpose. He is the prophet of all the creations of Allah. All prophets were sent locally to certain people for a certain time except Muhammad, the final messenger, was sent to all mankind till the end of time. Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) is solely for Arabs but for the worlds and is Prophet till The Last Day (Qayamat).

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Q: Was the Prophet MuhammadPBUH solely for the Arabs or for all nations and for all the times?
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