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It wasn't just the Jews the Nazis hated. They also hated gypsies, priests, intellectuals, teachers, gays, very poor people (homeless), mentally ill, people with learning difficulties, handicaps, dwarfs/midgets. They would send the majority of all of these people to the concentration camps, they didn't wipe them all out though, even though Hitler wanted the perfect race in Germany.

The Nazis' perfect race, (The Aryan Race, as Hitler called it), had to be a pure German, meaning all their ancestors have pure German blood, and the cherry on top would be the fact that they had blond hair and blue eyes.

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This is a loaded question. Some were, some weren't. If your unarmed civilian family was forced to leave your home, taking only what they could carry in a suitcase, and forced onto a cattle car by armed soldiers, bound for some unknown destination, would you not feel a little fear? The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto staged an incredible armed uprising, and gave the Germans a real run for their money. Jews in the death camps at Treblinka and Auschwitz also staged uprisings and fought back. Many Jews took to the inhospitable forests and struggled to survive starvation, murder and freezing to death, rather than submit to the SS, partisans, bandits and others. There are limitless stories of incredible courage, sacrifice, tragedy and daring experienced by those who have been severely oppressed throughout history.

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Yes. The Nazis hated the Jews for what they were, not for anything that they did or did not do.

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With cruelity. Nazis hated Jews enough to gas and burn them.

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Hell no, many people hated Jews for thousands of years, mainly Christians hated Jews due to different religious believes.

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Nazis hated the religion of Judaism.

What problem were the Nazis trying to solve?

The Nazis were trying to solve the problem of having a bad race. Hitler hated Jews, as when he was a failing artist they were rich and he hated them. Other theories are that a surgeon on his mother was a Jew and she dies, and that the art teacher that sent him away was also a Jew. This is why he hated Jews.

Why did the Nazis hate Judaism?

I think you'll find that it was the Jews (that is people) that the Nazis hated and that they had very little knowledge of Judaism (the religion).