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Peter Tchaikovsky

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Q: Was a famous Russian painter He was a leader in the modern art movement?
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What a sentence with the word Joseph Stalin?

Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.

How was Frida Kahlo a leader?

No, She wasn't a leader of anything, but she is the most famous female Mexican painter of her time.

Who was the famous Russian leader in the 1980's?

Daniel Benson

What is the Russian word for leader?

the russian word for leader isлидер

Who was a famous person during the Russian Revolution?

Vladimir Lenin was the famous leader of the Russian Revolution. Another famous historical figure from the Revolution is Anastasia Romanov, who was famous for supposedly disappearing after her family was killed by the Bolsheviks in the Revolution, although she was actually killed along with them.

Why is Stalin famous?

Joseph Stalin is famous for being the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1953. He was part of the Russian Revolution which overthrew the government.

Who was the most famous leader of the modern civil rights movement?

Martin Luther king Jr.

What was the name of the Russian leader in the mid 1930s?

Joseph Stalin was the Russian leader in the 1930s.

Who is the leader of the civil rights movement who promoted non violence and racial equality?

The most famous leader is undoubtebly martin luther king jr.

Rebecca Latimer Felton is MOST famous for?

She is most recognized for being a leader in the women's suffrage movement.

Why is Alexander Kerensky famous?

Alexander Kerensky was the second leader of the Russian Provisional Government in 1917 when it was overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks.

Who was the leader of the Russian government in 1917 December?

Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Russian government in December 1917.