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"The Napoleon Complex" is deprecated in modern thought. It's kind of pointless to ask if someone had something that psychologists don't believe actually exists.

Neither Hitler nor Napoleon were all that short for their time. They'd look short-ish to modern American eyes (at 5'8" and 5'7" respectively), but not remarkably so, and they were both slightly above average for when and where they were born.

The modern perception that Napoleon was especially short comes mainly from three factors:

  1. Napoleon, being Emperor of France, naturally listed his height in French units, which were slightly larger than English ones. His official height was 5'2" in French units, which is about 5'7" in English units ... a bit taller than average for European males of the time.
  2. The English, who pretty much despised the French at the time, were eager to denigrate the French leader in any way possible, and leaping to the conclusion that the French "five-foot-two" was the same as their own 5'2" was one way of doing so.
  3. Napoleon surrounded himself with his elite guard, most of whom were at least 6 feet tall (that's above average now; in the early 19th century it was impressive as all hell). You stand a guy who's average height next to a bunch of NBA players, and he's going to look short; this played into the English notion that he actually was short.

Hitler has similar circumstances: at 5'8" he was an inch or so taller than the average Austrian/German born in 1889. By the time of World War II, average height had gone up, so next to a bunch of 18-21 year old soldiers (especially next to an elite group of blonde, blue-eyed Nordic giants chosen for Propaganda purposes) he would have seemed a bit short.

Would they have preferred being more like their 6'+ ideal soldiers? I'm sure they would have. But it's ridiculously simplistic to say they had a "complex" and reduce everything they did to that.

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Yes but in its EXTREME FORM = Sociopathy/ Psychopathy.

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yes he had a npd, including narcissistic rage, malignant, avoidant, and schizoid features

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Hitler was a psychopath.

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