


Updated: 11/7/2022
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7y ago

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An attachment is a file (text, picture, video, etc) that is attached (fixed) to an email. The attachment does not appear on the face of the email, but has to be opened to be viewed by the recipient.

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7y ago
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How do you resend an email with attachments?

... and here are the ever-important attachments.

How do I send pictures in a email with attachments?

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Why are executable files usually blocked as email attachments?

To block potentially dangerous email attachments from ever getting to your computer.

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true or false a network does not allow you to send and receive email attachments

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What does attachments mean in an email?

Include a file as part of the email.

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An email to a friend would probably be less than 100 Kilobytes?

If you are sending a regular email without attachments, it will be less than 100 kilobytes. Adding attachments will increase the size of the email.

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Delete some attachments from an email?

delete all attachment to my email .or picture i send out.

Why is pdf format commonly used for email attachments?

PDF is the format commonly used for email attachments because it is universal. It can be opened by Adobe Software, which most people have on their computer.