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// This method will search through nums for target.

// It will return the index of target in nums, or -1 if target is not in nums.

public static int search(final int target, final int[] nums) {

// Linear search means start at one end and search element-by-element

for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i) {

if(nums[i] == target) {

return i;



return -1;


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Q: WAP in java to search for a given number using linear search?
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What are the Advantages of binary search on linear search in c?

(i) Binary search can interact poorly with the memory hierarchy (i.e. caching), because of its random-access nature. For in-memory searching, if the interval to be searching is small, a linear search may have superior performance simply because it exhibits better locality of reference. (ii) Binary search algorithm employs recursive approach and this approach requires more stack space. (iii) Programming binary search algorithm is very difficult and error prone (Kruse, 1999).

Which is faster binary tree or binary search tree?

A tree doesn't do anything so it has no speed...

Flowchart for linear search?

PROGRAM://LINEAR SEARCH USING FUNCTIONS#includevoid linear(int [],int,int);main(){int n,i,x,a[10];printf("\nEnter the limit:");scanf("%d",&n);printf("\nEnter the elements:");for(i=0;i

Constant current generation of linear sweep voltage using op-amp?

When using the Op-amp we get constant current generation of the linear sweep voltage.

What condition linear search is better than binary search?

In linear search, the searched key will be compared with each element of the array from the beginning and terminate comparing when the searched key is found or the array is reached. Here time complexity in worst case and average case is O (n). To find an element quickly we use divide and conquer method by using binary search algorithm. Here probed region is reduced from n to n/2. Time complexity is O (log2 n), but here the array should be sorted. But in interpolation search the probed region is reduced from n to n1/2. If the array elements are uniformly distributed the average case complexity is O (log2 (log2n)). Am also searching for hashing to compare &amp; contrast with above.

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