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Q: Vaccines are beneficial because they prevent?
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How are vaccines benificial?

vaccines are beneficial because they help prevent a disease happening to a person in the future by developing anti- bodies in the blood. they help fight the infection better

Why are vaccines beneficial?

because they protect you from disease

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What is special about vaccines?

Because it helps to prevent certain diseases to immunize our body

What is the difference between vaccines and medications?

Vaccines prevent diseases, medications treat them.

How did the vaccination change society?

Vaccines changed society because with out vaccines then there would be so many deaths. Vaccines help to prevent the disease before you get it. Why pay a visit to the doctor when you can just go get the vaccine and not have to get the disease.

Do vaccines work against viruses and bacteria?

No. Vaccines are not used for treatment. They are used as prevention.

Is ther any organic vaccines that will help prevent Red Water in cattle?

No, vaccines are inherently not organic.

Can vaccines cure the dogs worms?

No, because: 1. Vaccines don't cure diseases, they prevent the person/dog from getting them in the first place, and 2. Vaccenes prevent against viruses, while heart worms are, well, worms. You can buy medication o give your do to prevent against worms, and to try and get rid of them, but there is no vaccine.

Why have scientists developed all vaccines?

In hope to prevent diseases.

Do vaccines kill viruses or horrible diseases?

Vaccines don't kill viruses or diseases; they prevent disease before you are infected.

Can you prevent Polio?

Polio vaccines are available. Taking those vaccines after birth and in early childhood can help to resist the disease.