

Type of roses

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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There are many types of roses. However the most common are

Red rose

White rose

Wild rose

Peace rose :)

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A rose is a type of flower. Roses are also very old. They are about 35 million years old. There are also many species of roses. There are about 150 species of roses. A rose is a type of flower that looks like it is curved inside. MOST women like roses in their bouquets. It looks very beautiful. Roses come in many different colors and forms. There is a lot of history behind roses. The leaves of a rose can be small, medium, or even large. Roses can also be different heights. This 9s some information about different types of roses.

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roses, daisies, daffodil's tulips, ROSES ROSES ROSES!!!The part I improved! (Well, from what I think...)I think the flowers that the person before me answered are right but I also think lavenders smell good :))

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