

Total number of IRS tax payers?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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12y ago

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omg i don't know who does know?? even if someone did know, who would waste their time answering your question, anyways?? why don't you answer my questions eh?!! oh yeah that's right, close this page!

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12y ago
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Q: Total number of IRS tax payers?
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How many regulations are in the irs tax law?

You can find the total number of regulations in the IRS tax law on,-Regulations-and-Official-Guidance

Who is benefited with the flat tax?

The tax payers who would normally pay a higher rate than the flat tax rate. With a flat tax, it sure would be easier for the tax commission and IRS to review tax returns.

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Who does the IRS audit?

IRS audits are done a few different ways. If you are being audited by a person that comes to visit you, that person is a Revenue Agent. A Revenue Agent specializes in auditing tax payers. That's right, tax payers, not the Tax return. All field audits are done to inspect the lifestyle of the tax payer to see why taxes are owed and not paid. They will inspect all aspects of your life. relatives, friends, neighbors and all things financial.

How do you determine what your federal tax number is?

When the IRS assigns a tax number, it sends out a form with that number on it. If you cannot find your form, contact the IRS by phone and their agents will assist you.

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How many tax payers are there in Wisconsin and how many of them pay no tax pay no tax?

There are millions of tax payers in the state of Wisconsin. There is not official data as to how many of these taxpayers do not pay taxes.

Who needs a tax identification number?

A business needs to have a tax identification number. This number is used to identify your company to the IRS.

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What year is the IRS currently auditing?

Despite any rumors you might have heard or read, the IRS audits tax payers 52 weeks per year. Except federal holidays. To learn more about taxes read