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Q: The potential for exposure to bloodborne pathogens may exist when encountering spilled human blood or body fluids or materials or waste contaminated with human blood or body fluids.?
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three infectious materials that can contain bloodborne pathogens

What are the symptoms of pathogens?

Symptoms of bloodborne pathogens include stomach problems, flu like symptoms, fatigue, and weight loss. HIV and malaria are bloodborne pathogens.

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bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted inthe air

What bloodborne pathogens has a vaccine available for prevention?

Hepatitis B is the bloodborne pathogen with a vaccine available.

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is NOT a likely route of entry for a bloodborne pathogen

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A bloodborne pathogen is a disease causing agent in the blood such as a virus (HIV, HBV, or Herpes) or bacteria (TB, Gonorrhea). Corrected: Bloodborne Pathogens means, disease causing organisms transmitted by blood and other body fluids. Most common bloodborne pathogens are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C & HIV.

Is hiv and hepatitis B and C blood borne pathogens?

Yes, all three are bloodborne pathogens. See link below for more details.

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How are bloodborne pathogens spread?

Substances present in the blood that can cause infection or disease. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses are bloodborne pathogens since they are spread through blood and can cause a liver infection.

Which disease spurned the Bloodborne Pathogens act?

Hepatitis B