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Since 36=24+1/2.24 and abc and pqr are similar, ab= 10+1/2.10=15.

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Q: The perimeters of two similar triangles abc and pqr are 36 cm and 24 cm respectively if pq equals 10 cm find ab?
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What is true about the area of similar triangles when the sides are increased by a factor of two?

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You are given that triangle mnp triangle xyz line mp equals 8cm line xz equals 12cm the perimeter of triangle xyz equals 80cm what would be the perimeter of triangle mnp?

It is necessary to mention that the two triangles are similar.Let the perimeter of the triangle MNP be x cm.Since the triangles XYZ and MNP are similar triangles,8/12 = x/80 (multiply both sides by 80)640/12 = x53.3333... = x53 3/9 = x53 1/3 = xThus, the perimeter of the triangle MNP is 53 1/3 cm.

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How many triangles are there that satisfy the conditions a equals 13 b equals 9 A equals 62?

Two. One in which C is acute and one where it is obtuse.