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Q: The part of your brain that coordinates skeletal muscle movement?
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What part of the brain smoothes and coordinates movements of the skeletal muscle?

Cerebellum, this area is effected when someone is intoxicated and are not able to walk straight.

Posterior portion of the brain that coordinates muscle movement?

The brain stem controls muscle movements. Even involuntary movements are controlled by the tiny brain stem. Without the use of your brain stem, you will not "remember" how to do the simplest task.

What controls our muscles and the organs in our body?

skeletal muscle

Human skeletal muscle cells are signaled to contract by what?

I think its the brain using the spinal cord

What balances and coordinates the body's movement?

your brain

What part of the brain controls the movement of skeletal muscles?

The cerebellum, in the back of the brain, controls balance, coordination and fine muscle control (e.g., walking). Higher brain motor centers control basic muscle movements which in turn control the basic function of the skeletal system.It has been reported that bone marrow found in long bones is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. But no part of the brain is involved in controlling any part of the skeletal system directly.

What balances and coordinates all of the body's movement?

your brain

What travels from your brain to your skeletal muscle cells when you move?

When you decide to move, an electrical signal called an action potential is generated in your brain. This signal travels along your neurons and reaches the skeletal muscle cells via motor neurons. At the neuromuscular junction, a chemical called acetylcholine is released, which stimulates the muscle fibers to contract and initiate movement.

What part of the brain that coordinates voluntary muscular movements is the?

cortex of brain can control the movement of voluntary muscular

What part of the brain controls movement of the skeletal muscles?


What are muscles skeletal cardiac and smooth?

smooth muscle is used in a train of thought (brain is need in the act) cardiac muscle can be found in the heart skeletal muscle moves your bones

Which type of muscle is controlled at will by impulses from the brain?

All muscles are controlled by impulses from the brain. Skeletal muscle is, with few exceptions, the only type of muscle that can be controlled at will.