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long-term potentiation

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Q: The neural basis for learning and remembering associations involves the strengthening of potential neural firing and is called?
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Involves the influx of negative ions to depolarize the membrane?

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Counterarguments are opposing viewpoints or arguments that challenge a given perspective or claim. Refutation involves directly addressing these counterarguments by providing evidence, reasoning, or explanations that undermine or disprove them, strengthening the original argument in the process. It helps demonstrate the validity and persuasiveness of the initial argument by acknowledging and responding to potential objections.

Does potential energy involve position?

There are several different varieties of potential energy, some of which involve position and some of which don't. Gravitational potential energy involves position. High objects have the potential to fall.

Is a falling ball potential or kinetic energy?

it is kinetic because it involves releasing the energy.

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"Leave" typically refers to physically moving away from a place or situation, while "forget" refers to no longer remembering something in your memory. "Leave" involves physically departing, while "forget" involves mental recollection.

Osmosis always involves what?

Osmosis refers to the flow of water along the water potential through a selectively/differentially permeable membrane/tubing due to a difference in water potential. Thus, it always involves 1) a selectively/differentially permeable membrane 2) difference in water potential(related to concentration gradient) 3)flow of water.

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A leaping frog is an example of kinetic energy. Before the jump, the frog contains potential energy. When it jumps, the potential energy converts to energy of motion, otherwise known as kinetic energy.

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Abdominoplasty surgeons perform the procedure colloquially known as a tummy tuck for a living. An abdominoplasty procedure involves removing an excessive amount of fatty stomach tissues and strengthening the abdomen muscles.