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Modern Periodic Table is based on modern periodic law which states that physical and chemical properties of elemnts are periodic function of their atomic numbers.

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The modern periodic table is arranged by increasing proton (atomic) number.

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quantum mechanics.

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Q: What is the modern periodic table based on?
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Who assembled the periodic table?

The modern long form of periodic table was constructed by Neils Bohr based on modern periodic law proposed by Moseley.

Is your modern periodic table based on atomic mass or atomic number?

The modern periodic table is arranged according to the elements' atomic numbers.

How many examples of the Periodic table can you find?

I can find only two types The Mendeleves Periodic table based on Atomic weight of elements and The Modern Periodic table based on Atomic number of elements.

What are the order of elements on the periodic table based on?

the elements in the modern periodic table are arrange in the increasing order of their atomic numbers.

How are the atoms on the periodic table arranged?

The elements on the modern periodic table are arranged based on the increasing order of atomic number and repeating properties.

How many rows are there in Modern periodic table?

There are 7 periods in the modern periodic table.

How many periods are there on the modern periodic table?

The modern periodic table has seven periods.

Modern periodic table is invented by?

Modern periodic table is invented by Henry Moseley.

How does the modern periodic arrange the elements?

The modern Periodic Table arranges elements based on properties. These properties include valence electrons of the elements and density for example.

What best describes the modern periodic table?

Periodic table of elements.

How periodic law leads the foundation of modern periodic table?

modern periodic law

Who developed your modern periodic table in 1869?

Dmitri Mendeleev developed the modern periodic table in 1869.